Scotland’s Environment Web Competition – creative problem solving

Scotland’s Environment Web is running exciting competition for young people with fantastic prizes! What needs to change in your local community that will make a difference to your environment and what role can you play in making it happen? We want you to answer this question above. Tell us how you could make your environment better. This competition is open to all young people throughout Scotland between the ages of 5-18, whether through your school, as part of a group or as an individual.

Join our Glow meet too at 11am on 6 November to share your story and ideas and to have the chance to win a further exciting prize:

Twig on Glow – volunteers needed for video editing pilot

Following the success of the Twig Summer Challenge, Twig On Glow are looking for classes who would like to try out our video editing tool. Twig Studio is a new online video editor that allows students to make films from scratch, using high quality clips as well as their own footage, voiceover and music.
A pilot of a new and improved version of the editing tool will start at the end of October and Twig are looking for Scottish schools to participate. The pilot will be suitable for students from P5 to S6.

If you think your class would be interested in taking part, or for more information, please contact Alex,

Digital Creativity CPD

Nesta, the UK’s innovation charity, are running a day’s CPD on digital creativity for teachers so they can teach young people the digital skills they will need in the future. Teachers can learn website development, computer animation, character design, video editing, app development, visual programming and how to design and print 3D objects. Teachers will get support materials on the day so they can use the skills they have learned back in the classroom with their pupils.

Nesta are working with a range of partners including CoderDojo, Mozilla, RunRev and Maklab to make sure that teachers attending get a real feel for how these technologies work and get a chance to work hands-on with them over the day so they are able to pass that on to their pupils.

The event is on Saturday 23 November at the University of Edinburgh.  For more information and to reserve place go to

Global Citizenship blog recent post: Film-making and Europe

The Scottish European Educational Trust has launched the second year of its ‘Our Europe’ film competition for secondary students in Scottish schools.

The European Parliament, the European Commission and the EU have a great deal of influence on the lives of people living within the member states of the Union, but awareness of this is often limited or inaccurate. In this competition, teams of 4 students from S3 to S6 are asked to create a storyboard and produce a short podcast giving their suggestions for the content of a short film to raise awareness of the impact of the European Parliament on the lives of young people. Entries for this first stage must be received at SEET by 10 December.

University of Aberdeen SCC ‘Flash Fiction’ Competition 2013

For the second year running SCC is challenging creative writers to be inspired by images from their collection to enter shorts stories for their ‘Flash Fiction’ Competition, as part of Book Week Scotland 2013.  After the success of the 2012 competition an additional Children’s ‘Flash Fiction’ competition has been added. The competitions will be judged by prize-winning authors who will narrow the entries down to special commendations for each image and an overall competition winner for each age category. The winners will be announced at the beginning of Book Week Scotland. All competition entries will be published on the ‘Flash Fiction’ website.

Scottish Book Trust book trailer competition

Scottish Book Trust is running a book trailer competition as part of the Scottish Children’s Book Awards, with a fabulous prize of £250 in book tokens. Why not get your pupils to produce a trailer for one of the shortlisted books?

The competition is open to all ages, and pupils can produce a trailer for any of the age categories. Scottish Book Trust has got a whole host of resources to help you produce book trailers with your pupils. Have a look at their Booktrailer Masterclass videos to get a comprehensive book trailer walkthrough – and on the same page, you’ll find a whole unit of work to help you integrate trailers into your planning.

Scottish Book Trust also has two exciting Authors Live events coming up, one with Mairi Hedderwick – find out more about this event online.

Brewstometer – new online creativity measuring tool launched today

Creativity is increasingly recognised as an essential higher order thinking skill for learning, life and work.

A new online creativity measuring tool, Brewstometer (, is being launched this week at SLF.

The Brewstometer introduces the principles of creativity and helps learners reflect upon and evaluate any creative experience they had recently, this could include a lesson, a workshop, a performance, a gallery visit or project.

As an online resource you can use the Brewstometer as best suited to your learning environment needs, whether it be a whole class or small groups or one-to-one. The Brewstometer has been developed by Creative Scotland and Education Scotland as part of Scotland’s Creative Learning Plan.

Meet the Artist Glow Meet – David Batchelor

24 September 14.00

Turning the ordinary into something beautiful

David Batchelor is an artist, born in Dundee and now living in London who is best known for his brightly coloured sculptures using industrial materials including lightboxes from neon street signs, industrial dollies used to move heavy objects and items from everyday life such as brightly coloured plastic sunglasses and kitchen utensils.

For full details of these and other events, please log in to Glow and view the current schedule:

(Glow log-in and password required).

Inspired? Get Writing! Creative Writing Competition 2013/2014

Enjoy writing but need that little bit of inspiration and a goal to get started?

Why not enter this years Inspired? Get writing! competition? You can write in prose or poetry about anything that has inspired you from our permanent collection: drawings; paintings; prints; sculpture; photography; installation. There are five categories for school pupils and adults. Four volumes of Inspired? Get writing! have been published, featuring winners from previous years, so you can check out the standard. For full details download the rules. There is also a resource pack which you might find helpful.

There are 5 categories:

•           Under 12 years

•           12 – 14 years

•           15-18 years

•           Adults prose

•           Adults poetry

Entries should be submitted by Friday 17 January 2014.  Results of the competition will be announced by Thursday 17 April 2014.

News, opportunities, research and strategy relating to creative teaching and learning in Scotland

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