Category Archives: Uncategorized

Festival of Dangerous Ideas is back!

What’s your dangerous idea for education?

Dangerous Ed is back!!! Colleges Development Network is delighted to announce that the Festival of Dangerous Ideas will run again this year from 13-21 June 2013.

This year’s festival will be launched in Glasgow by world leading social entrepreneur Mel Young.  Mel is President and CEO of the Homeless World Cup and Co-founder of The Big Issue in Scotland.  Through his experience of working with the homeless, Mel has developed his own dangerous ideas for education.

There will be events happening throughout the week all over Scotland – co-created by people who are passionate about education. Events so far include:

  • A walk on the wild side – an adventure through the wilderness – exploring and creating over the weekend
  • Dangerous assessment – revolutionizing marking and assessment
  • Creative and dangerous – conversations across the nation
  • Game on – creating learning environments virtually
  • Un-conference – you decide the agenda
  • Online forums with dangerous dares and job swaps
  • Wicked problems, creative solutions
  • Resource-free – learn to engage learners for nothing
  • Waste-free world – why recycling isn’t the answer
  • Emporium of dangerous Ideas – trade your dangerous ideas.

Get involved and create your own dangerous event – register by completing the event submission form no later than 31 March 2013.

You can also join the Festival LinkedIn group, find us on Facebook and follow @Dangerous_Ed on Twitter.

Forth Valley Creative Conversations – Falkirk, Stirling and Clackmannanshire

exploring | inspiring | challenging

You are invited to

(further information below, please share with colleagues and friends)

  • Thursday 7th March | 4.30pm – 6.30pm | Stirling University: What is Creative Learning? Keir Bloomer
  • Wednesday 17th April | 4.30pm – 6.30pm | Tolbooth, Stirling: How do we Capture and Measure Creativity? Paul Collard, Chief Executive, Creativity, Culture, Education

What is Creative Learning?

Paul Collard Leaflet

Keir Bloomer Poster

Keir Bloomer

Logie Lecture Theatre, Stirling Universtiy

Thursday 7th March 2013

4.30pm – 6.30pm (registration and refreshments from 4pm)


Keir Bloomer will explore two distinct but linked ways of answering the question what is creative learning? Is it about approaches to learning that are creative?  In other words, is it the creativity of the teacher that is most important?  Alternatively, is the aim to develop the creativity of the learner?  He will consider the connections between these ideas and the principles of constructivist pedagogy – the idea that making meaning is the central intellectual task in learning.

Keir Bloomer is an independent education consultant.  He is also Chair of the Court of Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh; Chair of the Tapestry Partnership (a professional development organisation for teachers); Chair of the School Reform Commission, and Vice-convenor of Children in Scotland.  He was Director of Education and later Chief Executive of Clackmannanshire Council, a post from which he retired in May 2007.  As a member of the review group that wrote “A Curriculum for Excellence” he has been closely involved with curriculum reform and recently chaired the Higher Order Skills Excellence Group.

If you would like to join us please book free tickets via:

Also see the website:


How do we capture and measure creativity?

Paul Collard

Chief Executive, Creativity, Culture and Education

4.30pm – 6.30pm (registration and refreshments from 4pm)

Tolbooth Arts Venue, Stirling


Increasing attention is being given to developing the creativity of children and young people. From Japan to Chile, within Europe and across the US this has become a major preoccupation of educators. But how do you know what creativity looks like, and can you tell if it is being developed?  To support their work CCE commissioned extensive research into the definition and measurement of creativity and trialled numerous approaches in schools. In this presentation Paul Collard will provide a constructive and practical guide to identifying creativity in the classroom to enable teachers and creative practitioners to inspire children and young people.

If you would like to join us please book free tickets via:

Also see the website:

For further information contact:

Further conversations with Suzanne Zeedyk (1st May in Falkirk – and Professor Brian Boyd (9th May in Clackmannanshire – to be announced soon.

Please see the website for further information

Film Competition for Internet Safety Day 2013

Following the popular competition on internet safety last year the Scottish Government will this year run a similar competition to coincide with Safer Internet Day on 5 February 2013.
A short animation has been created to emphasis the point of connecting with
We want pupils to create their own film to explain what connect
with respect means to them.
This can be in the form of a:-
Claymation (like last year’s winner)
An interview
A drama/role play
Or feel free to come up with your own ideas
What could make a prize-winning entry?
We are looking for entries that are innovative, and original, and that help get people
thinking about what connect with respect means to them and what they can do to get
the message across.
Who can take part?
Everyone – spread the word
When is the deadline?
The deadline for all entries is  5 March 2013, so there is plenty of time to get
involved.  Winners will be notified of their prize soon after
How do I enter?
Just post us your entry to the address at the bottom of the entry form, making sure
that you attach the form to your submission or you can email it to

Creative Leadership Symposium – How do we embed creativity into the core curriculum?

Thurs 21st Feb

The Arches
Free but ticketed – call 0141 565 1000 to reserve a place

How do we embed creativity into the core curriculum? How can we be responsive to the individual needs of students and learners? What is classroom inertia and how does creative practice offer a way of reimaging how a curriculum is offered?

Is it possible for artists, creative educators and teachers to work collaboratively to offer a more radical pedagogy measured by more than subject achievement? Who might lead this and does it work? Is it effective? What are the benefits of this approach? How might this impact on future pedagogical approaches?

For the culmination of their creative leadership project 100 Little Pennies, run by Gary Gardiner at Oakgrove Primary School in Glasgow, The Arches are hosting a symposium event, followed by drinks, nibbles and an opportunity to network.

Introduced by Dee Heddon (University of Glasgow), contributors include Gary Gardiner and Murray Wason (Royal Conservatoire of Scotland), David Cameron (Director of The Real David Cameron LTD), Helen Nicholson (Professor of Drama and Theatre at Royal Holloway) and Lesley Dunlop (Education Consultant).

Edinburgh Creative Conversations – 31st January

The third of this series of Creative Conversations (and the first of 2013) will be on Thursday 31st January at 4pm for 4.30 till 5.30pm with wine and canapes afterwards (venue to follow with confirmation of attendance). I am delighted that our Creative Catalyst this session is Sir Tim Brighouse.

Professor Tim Brighouse will share and discuss how encouraging creativity and improving schools has to be a joint effort involving partnership, commitment and shared purpose. That is how Tim Brighouse has worked throughout his career. He has one of the most remarkable track records in education throughout which runs a commitment to creativity in every sense. This is a rare opportunity to engage with Tim Brighouse in a conversation about creativity and how to achieve the best outcomes for young people without compromising the quality of education and experience. Tim will bring wisdom, experience, curiosity and interest – come and join in!

Mike Rosendale (Head of Service Schools and Communities) will provide the welcome and as with all previous Creative Conversations, David Cameron will facilitate the conversation. You are invited to continue the conversations afterwards with Tim, Mike, David and colleagues over wine and canapes!

Creative Conversations are Edinburgh’s Creative Learning Network and form part of Edinburgh’s commitment to developing creativity and creative learning.

This is a popular Creative Conversation with places filling very quickly – please get back to me directly if you would like to attend and I’ll send full venue details and confirmation of your place next week.

I look forward to seeing you on the 31st.


Linda Lees

Arts and Learning Manager

City of Edinburgh Council, Children and Families

Waverley Court Business Centre 1/2

4 East Market Street



Tel: 0131 469 3956

Fax: 0131 529 6212


Fresh Perspectives at Methil Heritage Centre

Fresh Perspectives, an exhibition of work from the Art & Design department at Buckhaven High School, is now open to the public.

Showcasing the work of pupils from S1 through to S6, Fresh Perspectives offers visitors to Methil Heritage Centre a real visual treat, with expressive, design and 3D work spanning the last two academic years.