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TESS features Creativity

Creativity is the central theme running through September’s edition of TESS.

‘Creative sparks can fire up the curriculum’
Editor Gillian MacDonald highlights projects which are stimulating the imagination and encouraging new thinking in schools and local authorities.

Creative Scotland’s Joan Parr
Joan Parr, portfolio manager for education, learning and young people, Creative Scotland is featured, talking about the national drive for creativity across learning.

‘Step Forth into the Creativity Portal’
The new-look Creativity Portal is reviewed, including an overview of its new features and feedback from teachers using the site.

‘Away with the Fairies’
Project Dream, is a collaboration between City of Edinburgh’s Arts and Learning Team, the Lyceum Theatre and Edinburgh schools in which teachers and pupils are coming off timetable to immerse themselves in Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream.

ArtWorks Scotland Conference 2012 (22-23 Nov) Art, Society and Participation: Constructing the Larger Narrative

Photograph © Rachel Thibbotumunuwe /  Courtesy of Talbot Rice Gallery
Images from Tim Rollins and KOS @ The Talbot Rice Gallery (© Rachel Thibbotumunuwe / Courtesy of Talbot Rice Gallery)

Art, Society and Participation: Constructing the Larger Narrative will place arts in participatory settings in a wider social context by exploring current thinking around quality, value and ethics in this area of creative practice. It will invite practitioners to take part in a range of practical activities to reflect, build skills, knowledge and networks. The conference places Scotland on a wider international stage and celebrates the quality of arts taking place in participatory settings throughout Scotland.

Thur 22 & Fri 23 Nov
The Lighthouse
G1 3NU


£21 per day for self funded delegates
£41 per day for delegates being funded by an organisation

Delegates can attend one day or both days of the conference.

Keynote speakers:

Arlene Goldbard: New York born, but now based in the San Francisco Bay Area, Arlene is a writer, speaker, consultant and cultural activist. She has addressed many academic and community audiences in the U.S. and Europe on topics ranging from the ethics of community arts practice to the development of integral organisations. Arlene is currently working on a new book about art’s public purpose.

Charles Chip McNeal: Director of Education at San Francisco Ballet. Charles is an award winning lecturer, choreographer and teacher working across artforms, with particular interest in social justice, multiculturalism, quality and ethics.

The conference will explore such things as:

  • What is your larger narrative – the big story that gives meaning to your work?
  • What is the social significance of your work?
  • Why do you do it?
  • What does it mean to be an artist working in participatory settings?
  • How do we maintain our integrity when working in participatory settings?
  • What do you do to be a sound, ethical and relevant practitioner?

To book your ticket for the conference, visit the Citz Box Office.

To stay up-to-date about the conference as well as all ArtWorks events and information sign up to the ArtWorks e-bulletin.

* European and UK presenters still to be confirmed.

The Matter – 16-24 year olds – enterprise project

How does it work?

A company will provide a brief, a question, which they don’t know the answer to.

You then form a team that researches the question and publishes a newspaper explaining your findings.

Snook will support this process and (because this is the pilot) ask you about the process to develop a program that can be recreated around the country.

So many reasons to take part

Like the fact you’ll be part of designing a program that is going to affect the lives of young people in difficult circumstances around the country.

Or because the solutions you find and the newspaper you publish will be read by organisations who deal with that problem in the real world – you could change the world doing this.

You’ll be designing and writing for a newspaper!

We can pay you £80 for your time and also some of your travel. Which isn’t loads but it’s also going to look look great on your CV, while giving you experience of running your own business, delivering for clients planning a budget and organising and keeping a schedule within a team.

Read the flyer below to discover how to sign up:


Schools Micro Tyco competition

Micro Tyco‘ is a competition with the potential for inspiring children and young people to think and be creative in an enterprising way while also becoming aware of business ethics. The one month challenge kicks off at the start of November when participants work in teams to transform £1 into as much money as possible.

Gracing the silver screen – East Dunbartonshire

Creative young people in East Dunbartonshire will be showcasing their talents on the big screen at East Dunbartonshire Children and Young People’s Film Festival 2012.

Talented youngsters who have produced films and animations will see them screened at community venues in Lennoxtown, Bishopbriggs and Bearsden during the October holiday.

Opera House windows hit the right note – pupils involved in creative regeneration project

Passers-by on John Finnie Street will have noticed a striking new feature on the scene – the beautifully refurbished Opera House building, complete with stunning windows.

Restored to its former glory, the sandstone frontage is the perfect setting for the windows which feature images of the Opera House’s vibrant past, along with vintage Kilmarnock Standard headlines, such as ‘Temple of the drama’ and ‘Alarming fire at the Opera House buildings’.

The windows were designed by a partnership of St Joseph’s Academy students and East Ayrshire Council. The enterprising trio of Scott Bracki, Liam Gallagher and Siobhan Connelly – who have now all left school – researched the building’s past, with help from Kilmarnock and District History Group.

Marie Macklin, CEO of contractors Klin Group, appointed the young people in August 2011 to develop decals for the ground floor windows. A financial donation was made to the school for their services.

The windows depict scenes from the glorious past of the Opera House – which has seen service as a theatre, church, a saleroom and a nightclub, in its time.

Notes of a tune running across the six windows link the scenes taken from old photographs. It’s a tune dear to the heart of many in Kilmarnock – Paper Roses.

Marie Macklin said: “This is what regeneration is all about – involving the whole community, especially our young people.

“We could have appointed a company from the private sector for this service, but to involve the pupils through the Council’s school enterprise and business leaders programme was the right decision”.

Councillor Stephanie Primrose, Spokesperson for Lifelong Learning, said: “This project provided a marvellous opportunity for students to work with professionals and experts from start to finish – and the inspiring outcome is there for all to see and enjoy for generations to come”.

Marie Macklin is one of the business leaders linked to the Council’s Business Enterprise Fund, which aims to make school leavers more ready for the world of work, by developing the necessary skills and attitudes.

Kilmarnock Academy students have also been commissioned to produce a mural for the entrance of the building.

Glow TV events coming up include:

SLF Twilight – Literacy across Learning: Primary, 19 September 9.30 – Speakers for this event will include primary practitioners who will highlight creative and innovative approaches to developing literacy across learning in their establishments. The seminar will emphasise the importance of incorporating the wider definition of texts into learning and teaching to encourage creativity and to support progression for learners.

SLF Twilight – Michael Russell MSP – Opening Ministerial Address 19 September 10.45 – Hear the Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning, Michael Russell, give the opening keynote address at the 2012 Scottish Learning Festival. Hear how practitioners are developing their creative teaching and learning as well as nurturing creative skills in all learners.

For full details of these and other events log in to Glow and view the current schedule:

The Jolomo Schools Painting Award

The Jolomo Schools Painting Award sponsored by Bank of Scotland will be run for the first time in school year 2012-13.  Students from the senior phase at all Scottish secondary schools are invited to take part in the inaugural schools painting award.  Students are asked to paint and submit their interpretation of the Scottish landscape.  The winner will receive £500, with an additional £500 going to the winning schools Art Department.  The winner will also have the opportunity to be mentored by the artist John Lowrie Morrison (Jolomo).  More information can be found by clicking on ‘How to enter’ on the home page of The Jolomo Foundation website:

National Creative Learning Network at SLF 2012 – full programme

The National Creative Learning Network (NCLN) is a community of practice which has a leadership role in championing and advocating creativity in both formal and informal learning contexts. The Network is well represented at this year’s SLF, with members from local authorities across Scotland leading workshops and seminars throughout the two days of the festival.

Seminar Programme

Find out about the benefits of being involved in a Creative Learning Network at Fife’s CLN Showcase seminar, or find out what being creative means to Edinburgh’s young apprentices.

  • Creative Learners, Creative Thinkers, Creative Careers (Edinburgh)
  • Showcasing Fife’s Creative Learning Network (Fife)
  • What’s the Past got to do with us? (Aberdeenshire)

Visit the SLF website to view the full seminar programme

Education Showcase

The Showcase programme features demonstrations, experiments, drama and music making with NCLN contributions from a number of authorities:

  • Arts and Culture as a Catalyst for Learning: The Aberdeen Arts Across Learning Festival (Aberdeen City)
  • Inspiring Creativity, Highland’s Creativity Conference (Highland)
  • Supporting Drama through Literacy – Learners with Mild to Severe and Complex Needs (Dumfries & Galloway)
  • Challenging Creativity Creatively (Edinburgh)
  • The Big Drum Experiment (Scottish Borders)
  • Little Rabbit: drama for early years (Angus)
  • Teachers Realising their Creative Potential (Aberdeen City)
  • Write a Song in 30 Minutes (Stirling)

To view the full Education Showcase programme click here

The NCLN consists of the the group of coordinators who lead each local authority’s Creative Learning Network. Visit the Creativity Portal to find out who your local Creative Learning Network contact is:

Find out more about the Creative Learning Networks by watching one of the short films on the Creativity Portal: