Category Archives: Sciences

New Glow Cookbook – building a Mars Rover and uploading photographs

This fourth Cookbook on Judith’s Earth and Space Glow Group will focus on the use made of Picture Libraries in the Glow Group to showcase pupil work.

The pupils were keen to study Mars as part of their Earth and Space Topic. Judith devised an activity for them which would allow them to use links and videos within the Glow Group for research and then, in groups, to build their own Mars Rover. As part of the activity, they were asked to photograph it and upload this into the Glow Group.

Aberdeenshire – TechFest – September 2011

Festival Assistants limber up to launch TechFest

Aberdeenshire Council announces that TechFest will be taking place in September. With more events, workshops and shows than ever, Aberdeen’s annual festival of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), is set to attract over 25,000 visitors between September 9 and 27.

One of its aims is to engage young people in the four main subjects of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics and encourage them to go on to follow a career which utilizes these skills by demonstrating that they are dynamic and fun and highly relevant in shaping how we live today.

Genius on a Shoestring – schools competition for low-cost innovation.

Genius on a Shoestring. Innovate more for less. Enter. Win
Would you like to win an RM Education award for low-cost brilliance?
If yes, then read on! This is your chance to enter our Genius on a Shoestring competition, open to all schools and colleges across the UK. The idea? Your brilliant idea!
We invite you to ‘show and tell’ us your innovation in teaching or learning. We’re looking for big thinking, even on a small budget, or more impact for less money. Your innovation enhances learning within the curriculum. It motivates and empowers. Its success can be measured and evaluated. Ideally there’s more positive change to come. And you’re happy to share your project with RM Education and the wider community of teachers and school leaders.

Dundee pupils win Design Engineering Elegance award from NASA

Dundee students triumph in Design Engineering Elegance category at NASA lab contest in Texas, writes Jackie Cosh in TESS.

Menzieshill High in Dundee was the only school in Europe to be invited to NASA’s Neutral Buoyancy Lab in Houston, Texas to attend last month’s international Marine Advanced Technology Education ROV (remotely operated vehicle) competition.

Menzieshill pupils were delighted when their system won the Design Engineering Elegance award. They were also commended for producing what was described as the most compact ROV in the competition.

From archaeology to film – creative outdoor learning examples

New resources on outdoor learning

New resources on outdoor learning have been added to the Education Scotland website.

Clim-ATIC Media Project

LOST? archaeology project

Lady of the Lake: A Literacy and Outdoor Learning Transition Project

Woods for Learning

Get SET to explore new science and learning opportunities in Midlothian

Are you interested in learning more about the science, engineering or technology (SET) sector?

If so, join us to meet experts from the science sector and explore science and learning opportunities at a special event being held in Dalkeith Arts Centre and Library on Tuesday 30 August 2011 from 9.45am to 3.00pm.  This event which will feature exciting and engaging workshops delivered by leading science professionals in the field where attendees can take part and learn more about their work.

Young Engineers and Science Clubs website

The Creativity Portal has now added the Young Engineers and Science Clubs website to its bank of articles and links.

With over 430 clubs running across Scotland engaging over 5000 young pupil in activities to enthuse their interest in science there is a wealth of experience and learning to help any school or community group develop their own Young Engineers and Science club.