Category Archives: Subjects and Themes

The Forgotten Island – cross-curricular Primary School Trip Opportunity

The Forgotten Island, a brand new temporary visitor experience appearing on the banks of the Clyde until the 18th of September 2011.
Further to collaboration with pupils from various Glasgow primary schools The Forgotten Island has been inspired by children for children to explore.

The island is a growing space created from natural and recycled materials. With a range of spaces including a beach area, a sound forest, labyrinth and
Museum of Curiosities there are lots of things to try out and learn from.

· Links to all 4 Curriculum for Excellence Learning Capacities

· A range of cross curricular links including: Science, Health & Well Being, Expressive Arts, Social Subjects

· An ideal school trip for those who are part of the Eco Schools programme and/or studying environmental subjects

· Key themes include: Nature, play, discovery, creativity, sustainability and community

· Suitable for all children 12 years and under

Tickets: An exciting trip to start off the new term, school groups will receive 2 free places for every 10 children they buy a ticket for.

Call Ticket Soup on: 0844 481 8898 (group discounts are not available online).

More information:

I hope to see you there! Regards,

Wee Movies: Your City, Your Stories – 4 short Glasgow film competitions for under-18s

Wee Movies: Your City, Your Stories

Competition 1: Bird, Deadline Monday 4 July

Dear Teachers,

There’s less than a month to get your entries in!

Our new competition, Wee Movies: Your City, Your Stories, comprises of 4 short film competitions for under-18s in the run up to next year’s Glasgow Youth Film Festival in February 2012.

The themes of the 4 competitions are the emblems in the Glasgow Coat of Arms: BIRD, TREE, BELL and FISH.

The first competition theme is BIRD and the deadline for entries is Monday 4 July.

The films, which must be under 5 minutes long, can be about absolutely any idea that the theme inspires, from an animation about a pet budgie to a documentary about whale song. Any technique can be used and even a film shot on a camera phone will be eligible. The competition is open to schools, as well as youth groups, families and individuals aged under 18.

Our friends Derek and Muvizu have made a short film called The Bird That Never Flew to inspire you! We’ve also made a list of resources to get pupils started on their film masterpiece.

The prizes

The winning films will be shown ahead of appropriate features in the cinema. You and your school will receive complimentary tickets to the screening. There will be an awards ceremony and screening during GYFF12 where winners and runners up will be awarded special prizes and certificates.

Plus, for under 12s: Some DVDs of films inspired by our love of birds!
And, for 12-year-olds and over: 4 complimentary cinema tickets

The next competition theme is TREE and the deadline for entries is Monday 5 September.

For more details on how to enter, click here.

Looking forward to seeing your entries soon!

Paul Macgregor,

Learning Projects Coordinator: Children and Young People

Glasgow Film Learning

Wee Movies has been made possible through the sponsorship of Muvizu in association with a New Arts Sponsorship Grant supported by the Scottish Government in conjunction with Arts & Business Scotland.

Scottish Space School

University to celebrate 50 years of human spaceflight at Scottish Space School

A lecture featuring some of the world’s leading figures in space travel will be the highlight of this year’s Scottish Space School at the University of Strathclyde.

Now in its tenth year, the space school, which will run between 12 -17 June, gives 100 secondary school pupils the opportunity to attend a week-long residential course, with lectures, labs and workshops delivered by leading academics and researchers at the University’s Faculty of Enginee

Author Events Teacher Survey

Learning and Teaching Scotland has commissioned a research project in conjunction with the Scottish Book Trust.  The research will look at the impact of author events on the confidence, enjoyment and attainment of young people’s literacy skills in primary and secondary schools across Scotland.
In order to provide a thorough overview, we want to hear the opinions of as many teachers as possible and are encouraging teachers to complete the survey between now and 11 July.

We have commissioned Blake Stevenson to carry out the research on our behalf.  The findings from the research will be published in spring 2012.

“Taking the Drama out of Drama Delivery” Basic Drama Activities and Exercises – CPD Glow Meet

Join Lyceum Drama Artist Christie O’Carroll and Youth Theatre Producer John Glancy to learn how to lead your class in easy-to-use and effective drama exercises including warm-up and cool-down exercises, as well as more in-depth drama activities

This Thursday 4.15 – 5pm. Just turn up if you don’t manage to sign up in advance.

All exercises and activities can be adapted for different age-groups and we will show you how to adapt some of the activities to support topics or themes that you are working on in class.

Instructions on leading the exercises will be able to download following the Glow Meet.

Sign up and join us at

So, you think you need funding for dance?

Yes, that’s right folks, for the first time in the history of the BBC Performing Arts Fund, we will be funding dance in 2011 via two brand new schemes – Community Dance andDance Fellowships.

To celebrate this, we held a reception before the live recording of BBC One’s So You Think You Can Dance a few weeks ago where we caught up with dancer, choreographer and judge on the show, Arlene Phillips.

Arlene Phillips Blog Picture
If anyone knows about how challenging and rewarding a discipline dance can be, it’s Arlene. Here’s what she had to say:

“Dance was always my dream, and I know for many people out there it is a dream for them too.

It takes hours of hard work and practise, but can also bring great joy and happiness into people’s lives. As well as being a fantastic way to stay in shape, it also helps with coordination and focus.

Whether it’s your job for life or a hobby for fun, dance is accessible to all no matter what your age so find your nearest dance centre, gym or community centre and see what you can get involved in!”

The Community Dance scheme is now open for applications and Dance Fellowshipswill launch on the 7th June so check back for more information!

If you have any questions or comments on our plans for dance then please get in touch at Alternatively you can join in the conversation on ourFacebook page or on Twitter.

Local Heritage and Digital Know How – Libraries Software wins design award

An innovative software project led by The City of Edinburgh Council’s Libraries and Information Service has scooped a prestigious design award.

Whose Town?, an educational resource which uses real life Edinburgh case studies to illustrate key moments of recent history, emerged victorious at the Scottish Design Awards 2011, with designers Eskimopicking up the Chairman’s Award for Design. The awards were presented at a ceremony held at Glasgow’s Thistle Hotel in May.

Libraries project lands top design award

Drama Network National Workshop

Friday 17th June 2011

The Citizens’ Theatre, Gorbals, Glasgow

Includes a Musicals Masterclass, Drama as a Tool for Learning, Brothers’ Grimm for younger learners, Trestle Masks, National Theatre of Scotland, The Proctor Triangle – character development amongst others.

For detailed information or to book a place contact:

Stephen Andrade, Clerical Officer

Glasgow City Council – Education Services, Wheatley House, 25 Cochrane St, Glasgow, G1 1HL

Tel: 0141 287 3749 — Fax: 0141 287 5038
