Category Archives: Subjects and Themes

Crowd sourced funding – inspiration for creative enterprise and the arts in schools

Check out this inspiring talk by one of the creators of Kickstarter – an online tool for crowdsourcing funds for creative projects of all sizes and shapes. It feels like the kind of process that young people could engage with and copy when engaging creatively with CfE projects:

The Lords of Misrule come to Aberdour Castle

Discover devious plots and murderous intentions with Mary Queen of Scots and the Lords of Misrule at Aberdour Castle!

On Sunday 24th July, from 12:00 until 4:00 you can see the colourful Royal Arrival of Mary, Queen of Scots and her ladies-in-waiting as they are welcomed to the Castle by James Douglas, Earl of Morton.  Join the Queen as she meets her duplicitous Chancellor and hear of his dark plans to deal with David Rizzio, the Queen’s Secretary.   Alison Stalker, Events Assistant at Historic Scotland said: “This year marks the 450th anniversary of Mary Queen of Scots’ return to Scotland, a tempestuous time in history.

School kids give underpass a makeover

Local school pupils have teamed up with a professional artist to give unwelcoming underpasses in their village a makeover.

Primary seven pupils from both Houston Primary and St Fillan’s Primary in Houston worked with artist Meredith Crone to design and paint the murals.
The project came about through the school travel planning process which highlighted that the underpasses were considered undesirable places to walk through. Pupils suggested painting them with bright murals to freshen them up.

Lewis Pupils’ Biscuit Design leads all the way to Westminster

The prize-winning biscuits created by Pupils at Sgoil a’ Bhac and produced by Stag Bakeries were shown on Tuesday at the Food and Drink Federation’s Annual Parliamentary reception in the House of Commons.
The Strawberry and White Chocolate biscuits won a school competition set by Stag Bakeries to create a biscuit for their product range as part of the Scottish Food and Drink Federation’s innovative national schools programme ‘A Future in Food’.

Author Events Survey deadline extended

Education Scotland has extended the deadline for responses to its online survey.  Take part before 09 September and you could win £200 worth of books for your school.

Education Scotland has teamed up with Scottish Book Trust to commission this research with explores the impact of different kinds of author events on young peoples’ confidence and enjoyment of reading and writing.  The survey will take no more than 10-15 minutes to complete and all responses are anonymous.

UK Education Blog Awards – pupils and teachers win awards with Glow Blogs

The Education Blog Awards celebrate blogging in schools across the  UK.  Blogging can be incredibly inspirational learning resource  to both  pupils and teachers.  Two of the winners from the 2011 awards have blogs set up on Glow.

Joint 3rd place in the Class Blog of the Year was PS3 Superstars, the blog of primary 3 at Warddykes Primary School in Arbroath.  The judges commented that the blog was “A lovely and powerful view into the world of the P3 Superstars documenting their learning journey from toothpaste advertising to cliff rescue!”

Ceilidhmakers – songmaking in Angus!

Over several weeks in May and June, children at Strathmore Primary in Forfar, worked with top traditional singer and songwriter Christine Kydd, under her experienced Ceilidhmakers banner to write songs. Almost 70 children, in P4/5, wrote songs together with themes including local heritage, current local developments in the community, and learned songs relating to project work as well as learning some body percussion. Children recorded a CD of their work, for Enterprise, created artwork and performed the songs they wrote to the whole school, parents and visitors. Angel Gourlay, the Principal teacher was delighted with the outcomes “Working with Christine has enabled our pupils to further develop their skills for life, learning and work.  We have had the opportunity to collaborate, design, apply and create through writing songs linked to our topic work and record a CD and produce a book of our songs.  All our experiences have enabled us to gain greater depth and breadth and work towards achieving our full potential through the four capacities”.

The project was a great success,  and songs written included  The Lang Strang Bell, about a fantastic bell gifted to the town in the 1600s from Sweden, the golden gryphon on the steeple , the new wildlife park, sailing on the local loch, and how a local confectioner built a park, a concert hall and a hospital for  the local community. The children also wrote about all the machinery being used to build a new supermarket.

The project was made possible by Creative Scotland’s Youth Music Initiative and Jerry Randalls, the Music support Officer  for Angus Council agreed. “It was clear that from ideation to making a CD and the final performance, the children and staff at Strathmore Primary, guided by Christine, had a deeply enriching music and Scots Language experience. Christine cannily blends enormous fun with hard work and trusted the children with ownership of their project, which they relished.  In terms of Curriculum for Excellence there was total engagement from the children in terms of higher order thinking skills, creativity and active learning.  ‘Skills for learning, life and work’ was a key player in its success.” Other schools in the North East to have Ceilidhmakers workshops recently include Dunnottar PS and Luthermuir PS, all projects culminating in concerts where children performed their new songs.

My Dream Street art competition

What would your dream street look like?

All you need is imagination, pens and paper. Sustrans have launched “My Dream Street Competition” and are asking children and young people to send in drawings or designs of their ideal street. Entries can be made by schools or individuals and the closing date is 31 October 2011. Prizes include eco-furniture for the outdoor area in the school or a family holiday.