Category Archives: Subjects and Themes

‘Dance in Scotland is more popular than football’ – new report

Dance is more popular as a participatory activity than football in Scotland, according to a new report published by the Federation of Scottish Theatre.

The report emphasises the success of dance in Scotland, both in terms of a participatory activity and of its professional arts companies. He also pointed out the areas where dance is lacking. In particular, although dance is now part of the curriculum for excellence, he said that there is currently no Standard Grade dance exam, while dance is offered as a Higher Grade subject in only nine secondary schools across Scotland.

Genius on a Shoestring – schools competition for low-cost innovation.

Genius on a Shoestring. Innovate more for less. Enter. Win
Would you like to win an RM Education award for low-cost brilliance?
If yes, then read on! This is your chance to enter our Genius on a Shoestring competition, open to all schools and colleges across the UK. The idea? Your brilliant idea!
We invite you to ‘show and tell’ us your innovation in teaching or learning. We’re looking for big thinking, even on a small budget, or more impact for less money. Your innovation enhances learning within the curriculum. It motivates and empowers. Its success can be measured and evaluated. Ideally there’s more positive change to come. And you’re happy to share your project with RM Education and the wider community of teachers and school leaders.

Storytelling Saturday At Pictavia

Angus Council announces that as the school holidays draw to an end, on Saturday August 6, Pictavia will hold one of its popular Storytelling Saturdays. From 2 pm until 4 pm on Saturday, August 6, a Pictish storyteller will recount spellbinding tales from the days when Angus was home to the Picts, the tribe who inhabited north and east Scotland almost two thousand years ago.

Dundee pupils win Design Engineering Elegance award from NASA

Dundee students triumph in Design Engineering Elegance category at NASA lab contest in Texas, writes Jackie Cosh in TESS.

Menzieshill High in Dundee was the only school in Europe to be invited to NASA’s Neutral Buoyancy Lab in Houston, Texas to attend last month’s international Marine Advanced Technology Education ROV (remotely operated vehicle) competition.

Menzieshill pupils were delighted when their system won the Design Engineering Elegance award. They were also commended for producing what was described as the most compact ROV in the competition.

From archaeology to film – creative outdoor learning examples

New resources on outdoor learning

New resources on outdoor learning have been added to the Education Scotland website.

Clim-ATIC Media Project

LOST? archaeology project

Lady of the Lake: A Literacy and Outdoor Learning Transition Project

Woods for Learning

Youth Music Initiative funding

In 2011/12 there is £10million in the Youth Music Initiative (YMI) budget.

Support will be given through one of the following routes –
Formula Fund
Informal Sector Small and Large Investments
Training & CPD
Independent Music Making
Access & Excellence
Youth Music Forums
Early Years

For more information on the Youth Music Initiative – including details of all the specific routes and their criteria and eligibility, see the website below.
This opportunity is available in: All Scotland
For further information, please contact, or visit The deadline isSaturday 31 March 2012

NYCoS Education Conference 2011 – Music CPD

A two day conference taking place at the RSAMD in Glasgow on the 20-21 August for musicians, classroom teachers, choir leaders, nursery workers and anyone interested in NYCoS training opportunities.

Keynote speaker:
Dr László Nemes, Director of The Kodály Institute, Hungary

Other sessions include:
Music for 0-5s
Solfa – no limits!
Introduction to Kodály Musicianship
Kodály and the 21st Century Approach
Curriculum for Excellence Active Learning Through Music
… and much much more!
This opportunity is available in: All Scotland
For further information, please contact (Carole Allen), or call 0141 287 2856, or visit The deadline is Monday 15 August 2011 at 17:00.

Inspiring Voices: Educator’s Day – CPD for working with P1 to S1

We believe story, poetry, voice and language play are an essential key to language development, enjoyment in learning and teaching, and for delivering the Curriculum for Excellence in a way that engages and inspires young people and their teachers for life. This day aims to re-invigorate teachers to take a creative, fun approach to using storytelling, poetry, song and creative language as a medium for teaching right across the curriculum.

After a welcome by Scotland’s National Poet, Liz Lochhead, join some of Scotland’s leading poets and storytellers for practical tools and tips to boost your confidence, extend your repertoire, and refresh your spirit and love of language. Sessions will be led by Matthew Fitt, Ewan McVicar, Bea Ferguson and Liz Niven.

• Enhance your creative language teaching skills to deliver the Curriculum for Excellence with flair.
• Have fun exploring and re-discovering Scotland’s rich culture of language and literature.
• Take away hints and tips for using story, song, poetry and Scots language in your classroom.
• Find out about sources and resources for a refreshed approach to language teaching.
• Be newly inspired to pass on your own love of language.

A Connecting Voices Scottish Storytelling Centre and Scottish Poetry Library collaboration, designed for educators working with P1-S1, also open to storytellers, writer and artists working with schools.

Please book in advance on 0131 556 9579 for this 10am-4pm day event. £50 (£46 Scottish Storytelling Network Members and Scottish Poetry Library members). Includes lunch and refreshments.
This opportunity is available in: All Scotland
For further information, please contact (Esther Blackburn), or call 0131 556 9579, or visit The deadline is Saturday 10 September 2011 at 10:00.

Dance CPD – National Progression Award in Dance Training

TUESDAY 23 AUGUST 2011 (10am to 3pm at Dance HQ in Glasgow)

We’ll give you the skills, knowledge and confidence to make sure your pupils can demonstrate:
– Skills & technique in Contemporary dance
– Contemporary dance sequences and phrases
– The ability to recreate Contemporary dance repertoire
Cost is £75

WEDNESDAY 24 AUGUST 2011 (10am to 2pm at Dance HQ in Glasgow)
We’ll give you the skills, knowledge and confidence to make sure your pupils can:
– Demonstrate skills and techniques of Jazz dance
– Apply skills and techniques to the performance of Jazz dance
– Demonstrate appreciation of Jazz as a dance genre
Cost is £75

Book both days for only £140.
This opportunity is available in: Glasgow City
For further information, please contact (Anna Kenrick), or call 0141 552 7712, or visit The deadline is Friday 19 August 2011