We invite all schools to be a part of our storytelling festival local campaign this year, #DaretoDream. The campaign is an outreach initiative running from September to November, book-ending and running alongside our Scottish International Storytelling Festival (a ten day festival running from Friday 21st—Monday 31st October).
By taking part, your school will be contributing to a Scotland-wide initiative inviting and creating space for children to imagine their personal and collective futures, which in turn will build confidence to begin to make these aspirations and ambitions a reality.
We hope that this initiative is an easy way to progress creative learning in your school community with maximum impact, at the same time creating a positive and inclusive experience for pupils.
“Discover the stories of the past and dream the stories of the future. What are the stories of your local place? What stories would you tell to the world today, from the future of your dreams? Everything created must first be imagined: explore the possible and Dare to Dream!”
The principles of creative learning, active learning and inclusion are embedded in this project. Through dreaming, the liberating power of the imagination is open to everyone – neither language nor disability are barriers to participation. The campaign is relevant to the entire school and to every subject area. Activities will also help meet outcomes in both Literacy and Health and Wellbeing.
Download our Storytelling and creative learning booklet here
In an ever-changing world, we believe that it is vital that children are educated about their role and the value they have in shaping a vibrant and sustainable future. By setting learning in the context of your local school and focusing on issues relevant to your pupils, our #DareToDream campaign provides a great opportunity for you to encourage children to think about their right to participate, empowering and enabling them to become active citizens, both locally and globally. We provide the context for learning and suggest tasks and activities, but there is no limit on where this engaging topic could be taken in the classroom.
We will run a #DareToDream social media campaign during the main Scottish International Storytelling Festival. During this period we will make visible all contributions via our online platform. This is an opportunity to showcase your own school’s contribution with the wider community should you so wish in the form of a blog, video, photographs or otherwise.
As part of our social media campaign, we will have a special #DareToDream Day on Thursday 27th October. On this day, we will encourage every creative citizen in Scotland to share a dream for the future on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram using the campaign hashtags. Our aim is to make visible Scotland’s collective imagination for all to see!
#DareToDream #CuirBrighRiBruadar #DaurTaeDream
We have made it as simple as possible for teachers to take part, with the options for engaging in more depth should the individual teacher so wish. In a secondary school context, we have suggested a simple activity that could take place in registration class.
Register your school here
Download our #DareToDream Schools Toolkit here
We have also worked in partnership with heritage organisations, mental health organisations, artists and storytellers to create simple resources for you to use. All additional learning resources will be available on our website before the end of August.
Please contact Mairi mairi@scottishstorytellingcentre.com if you have any questions.