Dumfries and Galloway are offering five places for Art Teachers from other local authorities for a forthcoming outdoor residential course. Here are the details:
Art teachers have been using the outdoors as a stimulus is for a very long time. However, following a number of discussions I had with secondary art staff last year, it was apparent that they would welcome an opportunity to get together to exchange ideas as regards the use of outdoor spaces as well as a chance to work with professional artists in such environments.
I am delighted to be able to tell you that some funding to support such an event has been secured and will take place next term.
The course will begin on the afternoon of Thursday 5th May when we will meet up at Stronord Outdoor Centre near Kirroughtree. There will be a minibus running from Dumfries and attendees can be picked up en route. There will be sessions on the Thursday evening and Friday, with a workshop on textiles run by Jo Gallant on the Saturday, when I hope that we will be joined by Primary Art specialists. The course will finish at about 3pm on Saturday 7th May when the mini-bus will return to Dumfries.
The cost for the 2 day residential including mini-bus transport (where possible), all meals and workshops will be £10.
If interested, I’d be grateful if you could discuss this with your line manager and send me an email indicating your interest as soon as you can. Places on the residential are limited to a maximum of 20 and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.
(If you are the Principal Teacher, I’d be grateful if you could forward this to members of your department who might be interested.)
Many thanks
Keith Walker