Out to Play Teacher CPD Opportunities & Resources this Autumn

Following on from a successful Out to Play pilot project in 2015, winner of the Glasgow City Council Environmental Initiative Award 2016, Eco Drama will run a series of 7 week creative outdoor learning residencies this autumn with 4 primary schools, marking the beginning of a 4 year project in 25 primary schools and nurseries across Greater Glasgow.

Out to Play is a creative learning project in which Drama Artists collaborate with partner Primary Schools and Nurseries to explore the role of Drama, Storytelling and Theatre in Outdoor Learning. The project seeks to facilitate interaction with the natural world through quality artistic experiences, re-thinking traditional views of nature and noticing and appreciating nature on our doorstep. Sessions are tailored to the unique surroundings of each school, and through imaginative play and adventurous learning, Out to Play aims to deepen young people’s connection to our natural world.

Out to Play Teacher CPD Opportunities 2017

As part of the project, Eco Drama are delivering Teacher CPD sessions, which were a popular element of the 2015 pilot project and which may be of interest in engaging teachers from your school in outdoor learning.

Eco Drama will be running an after school twilight CPD session on Wednesday 27th September at Dalmarnock Primary School, delivered by Ben Mali Macfadyen, the Drama Artist who delivered the Out to Play pilot project in 2015 and who led on the creation of the Eco Drama Out to Play Resource Pack. Additional CPD dates will likely be added on Tuesday 26th and/or 28th September.

During the session, teachers will explore how to integrate outdoor learning into the school curriculum and how to utilize creative learning methods such as drama, storytelling, song and movement in order to engage learners with the natural environment. Participating teachers will also leave with an Out to Play Outdoor Learning Resource Pack.

 Reviews: “I hadn’t realised the power of imagination within outdoor learning. Really informative session, lots of ideas to start with. Thank you.” Irene Boyle, Corpus Christi Primary

“Best CPD event I have been to in ages.” Catriona Brown, Battlefield Primary

“Excellent ideas and superb resource which I intend to use ASAP.” Ellie Henderson, Knightswood Primary

The cost is £45 per teacher, which includes the Out to Play Resource Pack (usual retail cost £16). Each CPD event is limited to 20 attendees and will be allocated on a first come first served basis.

At the moment Eco Drama are gathering notes of interest from teachers who would like to attend this CPD event.  If this is of interest to your school, please email nina@ecodrama.co.uk detailing how many teachers you would send and confirming if the 26th, 27th or 28th September would be suitable.

Alternatively, Eco Drama could visit your school with a dedicated CPD session for all of your teachers to attend. If this option is of interest, please get in touch with emily@ecodrama.co.uk / 0141 552 9920 to discuss.

“A wonderful experience for the children and myself. A fresh look on how to develop Outdoor Learning in a more creative manner. Fantastic experience.” Tommy Hynes, Teacher, Corpus Christi Primary, participating school in pilot project 2015

Website: www.ecodrama.co.uk  Twitter: @EcoDrama1
Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1lFBjDg

Short film about Out to Play 2015: https://vimeo.com/141887997

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