Tron Ambassadors scheme will give pupils the chance to be behind the scenes of a working
theatre. It will enable you to make a deeper connection with the Tron Theatre and gain a better
understanding of the industry.
Tron Participation are looking for pupils who –
- Have an interest in theatre
- Use social media such as twitter, Instagram, tumblr, wordpress as a way of conveying their thoughts and opinions with an audience
- Are comfortable talking to groups of people
- Are willing to promote the work of the Tron with family, friends and peers
- Are up for a challenge and happy to learn new skills and work as a team
- Are interested in developing employability skills
- Looking to expand their C.V to aid with college/university/job applications
Tron Ambassadors will –
- Meet 1-2 times per month at the Tron Theatre (after school weekday meetings)
- Take part in tasks and challenges out with allocated Ambassador meetings
- Keep in contact via email with Tron Drama Officer on related tasks and challenges
- Take part in a variety of theatre workshops/master classes
- Attend Tron Shows
- Host Tweet Meets within the Tron Theatre linked to Tron productions
- Promote the Tron to friends and family
- Blog, tweet and post about the Ambassadors scheme, Tron shows and events
- Work as a team to create a Front of House event at Tron Skillshops show
Does this sound like something you would like to be involved in? If so, email by 3pm on Friday 22nd August stating your name, age, school, why you would like to be an ambassador and what skills you possess that would make you a successful Ambassador, should you be successful you will be invited along to a recruitment workshop on Thursday 28th August 2014.