Places still available – Creative Learning Seminar – Stirling

The next Creative Learning Seminar from Education Scotland/Creative Scotland will be taking place on Friday 20th January at Stirling Management Centre.

We are extending an invitation for up to ten staff from your Local Authority to attend this free event, and would like to make especially welcome teaching staff from a non-arts background – Creativity is here to empower teaching and learning across the curriculum.

The day will cover the following topics and will be led by Education Scotland Development Officers and HM Inspectors with varied specialisms in creativity as well as our guest speaker David Cameron.

  • Mapping the territory: Where are we with creativity as a nation?
  • Creative Skills and Curriculum for Excellence
  • Marks on the landscape – Creativity and interdisciplinary learning
  • Creative learning environments
  • Using ICT to support creativity
  • Update on creativity within the new national qualifications
  • Creative partnerships with external organisations

Do let Maureen Finn – –  know the contact details of participants who are able to attend and weshall ensure they are sent all of the relevant details.

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