SLF 2011 – Creativity Lab film now viewable

As part of Creative Scotland’s presence at the Scottish Learning Festival 2011, the Molecules in Motion team worked collaboratively with 23 pupils from Gavinburn Primary School in West Dunbartonshire to produce a Creativity Lab. Festival delegates were invited to visit the Lab, where they could experience a busy working studio and witness the team at work. The Creativity Lab filmĀ provides a great insight into the project and those involved in making it happen.

In the run-up to the festival, Molecules in Motion and the pupils also produced four ‘How To’ videos to support the project, and provide a resource for teachers. Centred around a theme of Wow and Flutter, the films document the team’s preparation for the festival, as they explored the scientific and creative aspects of recording & editing soundtracks, print making, animation and dance.

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