Interdisciplinary Learning: Creative Thinking for a Complex World – Conference followed by free public talk

Conference: 9 am−6 pm

Join leading international figures and local experts, including John Swinney MSP, as they discuss how interdiscplinary learning (IDL) can help people to solve problems and tackle challenges that are beyond the scope of any single subject.

Workshops and poster sessions will stimulate discussion of how to develop IDL in schools, colleges and universities.

Follow the link below for full details, costs and how to book:

Followed by:

Our Age of Discovery: Navigating the Storms of our Second Renaissance

Free public talk: 6.30 pm−8 pm

Join us for this free public talk from Oxford University’s Professor Ian Goldin as he draws on his latest book Age of Discovery: Navigating the Storms of our Second Renaissance to outline the opportunities for society of globalisation but also the risks we face including pandemics, cyberattacks, climate change and financial contagion.

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