Creative Conversation – You Make Me Feel – Edinburgh

The latest Creative Conversation’s Creative Catalysts are Jaz Ampaw-Farr and Amjad Ali. The focus of this Creative Conversation is on you and the things you can do to help change lives. Jaz will tell her profoundly moving story about her early life and the people who made a difference. Amjad will contribute with practical ideas from his experience as a teacher, school leader and from his work in prisons.

The details are:

  • Friday 27th October
  • Edinburgh Training and Conference Venue on St. Marys’ Street
  • buffet lunch from 1.30
  • Creative Conversation starts at 2.30
  • refreshments, nibbles and continue the conversation from 3.45/4pm on

Creative Conversation prog and info – Jaz and Amjad

Creative Conversation Invitation – Jaz and Amjad

This is another rare opportunity to talk to 2 people who are not often in Scotland and who have great insights and moving stories to tell. It could not be a more current Creative Conversation in terms of how we need to work together to change outcomes for all young people.

Andy Jeffries, Acting Head of Children’s Services will give the welcome and David Cameron will facilitate the conversation.

Please to RSVP no later than 2pm on the 26th October. You can bring a colleague and we look forward to another Creative Conversation and your participation in it.


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