Creative Conversations – Edinburgh – Nobody Knows When You’re Down and Out

Dear Colleagues,

Nobody Knows you when you are Down and Out  is the title of the next Creative Conversation with Chris Kilkenny. Chris was a young carer and grew up in care and in poverty in Edinburgh.


This Creative Conversation will start by listening to what Chris’s experience could tell us about closing the gap for young people, not just in Edinburgh but across Scotland. His is very much the story behind the poverty statistics – and a story we need to hear.


Your invitation is attached for Wednesday 28th October, at 4pm for coffee and 4.30 for the Conversation. The welcome will be given by Gillian Tee, Director of Communities and Families and the conversation will be facilitated by David Cameron.

Creative Conversation Invitation – Oct 2015

Creative Conversation prog and info – Oct 2015

The venue is The Hub (Castlehill) and you are invited to bring a colleague. Numbers wishing to attend are likely to be high so please get back to me as soon as possible – and no later than Tuesday 27th October at 12noon.


Here is what was said about our last Creative Conversation with Martin Robinson:

  • Thanks for a really fascinating session yesterday – food for thought indeed.
  • I think this was the most stimulating creative conversations yet!! Thank you
  • Thanks for another great Creative Conversation – as always lots to think about. Looking forward to the next one


Looking forward to seeing you there for another inspiring discussion. And wine and canapes….!




Linda Lees | Service Manager, Arts and Creative Learning | Schools and Community Services | Children and Families | The City of Edinburgh Council, Waverley Court, Business Centre 1/1, 4 East Market Street, Edinburgh EH8 8BG | Tel 0131 469 3956 | Mobile 07917 825007 |


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