Creative Conversation – attainment and employability through the lens of creativity

Creative Conversations  an end of term Creative Conversation where, with a panel of previous creative catalysts, we’ll be thinking about raising attainment and employability through the lens of creativity.


Date for your diary:

The next Creative Conversation,  titled ‘We Can Work it Out’, is part of a national event in partnership with Education Scotland and is included in the Emporium of Dangerous Ideas. It is on:


  • Tuesday 16th June 4.30 – 5.30/5.45. Coffee and registration from 4pm and you can continue the conversation with Hywel, Paul, Andy, Alan, David and colleagues over wine and canapes from 5.45 – 6.30/7pm. The venue is the Prince Philip Building at Royal College of Surgeons.


You are invited to join us in conversation with Hywel Roberts, author of ‘Oops, Helping Children Learn Accidentally’, Paul Collard, CEO of Creativity, Culture and Education and Andy Gray, Head of Schools and Communities in Edinburgh. Facilitated by David Cameron who you probably already know!


This Creative Conversation will consider that key education priorities of raising attainment and employability need a creative approach, now more so than ever. The discussions will focus on the range of ideas and partnerships that are required to work out how we make a difference to key challenges that are not getting any easier. The Creative Conversation is part of a national event – a number of places have already been allocated to delegates so places are limited.


Hywel Roberts’ first Scotland gig was a Creative Conversation in Edinburgh in September where 100 people were simultaneously rolling in the aisles with laughter and inspired by his very practical and real ideas about ways to achieve better learning. In February, Hywel gave the keynote at the Edinburgh Early Years Conference and the evaluations were, to a person, extremely positive.


Paul Collard’s Creative Conversation in December was attended by nearly 100 people and was informative, inspiring and thought provoking. Drawing upon research and Paul’s experience over 30 years, we considered the idea that the future needs job creators not job seekers. We also considered what PISA tells us about loss of interest, depression among young people and cases where education can undermine wellbeing and competency. Paul also talked about the high functioning classroom and what this looks like in Scottish and international practice.


The welcome is from Alan Wait, Schools Group Manager in Midlothian Council.



As always this will be a very popular Creative Conversation. If you would like to come please get back to me directly. If you would like to bring a colleague, please tell me their name and job title. Places are limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis. I’ll send full venue details and confirmation of your place on receipt of your email.


We look forward to seeing you on the 16th June.



Creative Learning Network: 

Education Scotland in partnership with Creative Scotland awarded City of Edinburgh, Midlothian and East Lothian Councils funding to develop the Creative Learning Network.


Creative Conversations are opportunities for colleagues interested in creativity and education across all sectors to come together and engage in high quality professional dialogue. Each Creative Conversation has a creative catalyst and the conversation is facilitated by (the real) David Cameron. There is always opportunity to continue the discussion over a glass of wine in an informal setting. Each Creative Conversation is in an interesting venue and over 2014/15 will take place across the 3 local authority areas. Previous Creative Conversations have included well known figures such as Tim Brighouse, Keir Bloomer, Frank Crawford, Laurie O’Donnell, Hywel Roberts, Paul Collard, Nicola Morgan, Eric Booth, Heather Reid and many others. Conversations are always about creativity and have covered technology, funding, self evaluation and  preparing for inspection (creatively!), science and art, flipped learning and much more. Don’t make the mistake of thinking this is just about art – it’s about creativity in the widest sense.


Linda Lees | Service Manager, Arts and Creative Learning | Schools and Community Services | Children and Families | The City of Edinburgh Council, Waverley Court, Business Centre 1/2, 4 East Market Street, Edinburgh EH8 8BG | Tel 0131 469 3956 | Mobile 07917 825007 |


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