Photo 14 National School Student Competition

Scran is heading to its 20th year. Periodically, it has run a national photography competition. We thought that, as this is a momentous year for Scotland, it would be a stoatin’ idea to run another National School Student Photography Competition.
Competitions mean prizes.  And there are braw prizes.  There are three sections: Primary, Secondary and ASN and each section winner will win one of Apple’s latest iPads.  In addition, there will be an overall winner who will win a set of 10 iPads for his or her school. The runner up will win 5.

There will be a range of further runner up prizes which will include photo books.


Competitions need themes and this year’s theme will be “What Scotland means to me.” So think widely and creatively.  In past years the overall winner had a pawky eye, a gallus vision and a canny control of the shutter.

Remember we are Scran – we like odds and ends and bits and pieces and stuff.

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