Creative Development and Connectivity – creative conversation in Stirling

Dr Suzanne Zeedyk

Kildean Suite, Forth Valley College, Stirling

Thursday, May 9th 2013

4.30pm – 6.30pm

4pm for refreshments and registration

ALL WELCOME – please share with colleagues

For the past 25 years Suzanne has been an academic researcher, studying babies innate ability to communicate and connect with other people. In 1993, Suzanne took up an academic post in the UK as a Developmental Psychologist at the University of Dundee and has remained there since, currently holding the post of Honorary Fellow.  She is an inspiring and thought-provoking speaker that we can highly recommend hearing.
Suzanne has loved what the field of Developmental Psychology has taught her, why it is that a child’s earliest years have such a profound effect on their later years, including their emotional security, their trust in others, their self-confidence, their relationships, their connectivity. Now she wants to help ensure that this knowledge is spread as widely as possible and frequently acts as partner or speaker for a wide range of organisations throughout the UK and abroad including police, educators, health workers, nursery staff, parent groups and children’s theatre groups helping them to better understand the neuroscientific, biological, and psychological evidence concerning the human need for emotional connection, something creativity can be a channel for. Suzanne feels if we overlook emotional connection, then we all pay for it, through the services that governments need to fund such as prisons, mental health programmes, hospitals, fostering arrangements, extra support in schools and other services.

If you would like to join us please book free tickets via:

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Further events will be planned for the academic year 2013/14.  Please keep a look at our website

Forth Valley Creative Learning is a new collaboration between Education in Falkirk, Stirling and Clackmannanshire Councils, creating together opportunities to explore creativity and creative learning

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