Edinburgh Creative Conversations – 31st January

The third of this series of Creative Conversations (and the first of 2013) will be on Thursday 31st January at 4pm for 4.30 till 5.30pm with wine and canapes afterwards (venue to follow with confirmation of attendance). I am delighted that our Creative Catalyst this session is Sir Tim Brighouse.

Professor Tim Brighouse will share and discuss how encouraging creativity and improving schools has to be a joint effort involving partnership, commitment and shared purpose. That is how Tim Brighouse has worked throughout his career. He has one of the most remarkable track records in education throughout which runs a commitment to creativity in every sense. This is a rare opportunity to engage with Tim Brighouse in a conversation about creativity and how to achieve the best outcomes for young people without compromising the quality of education and experience. Tim will bring wisdom, experience, curiosity and interest – come and join in!

Mike Rosendale (Head of Service Schools and Communities) will provide the welcome and as with all previous Creative Conversations, David Cameron will facilitate the conversation. You are invited to continue the conversations afterwards with Tim, Mike, David and colleagues over wine and canapes!

Creative Conversations are Edinburgh’s Creative Learning Network and form part of Edinburgh’s commitment to developing creativity and creative learning.

This is a popular Creative Conversation with places filling very quickly – please get back to me directly if you would like to attend and I’ll send full venue details and confirmation of your place next week.

I look forward to seeing you on the 31st.


Linda Lees

Arts and Learning Manager

City of Edinburgh Council, Children and Families

Waverley Court Business Centre 1/2

4 East Market Street



Tel: 0131 469 3956

Fax: 0131 529 6212

Email: linda.lees@edinburgh.gov.uk

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