Magical Thinking – series of masterclasses in educational change (Glasgow)

“Magical Thinking” – a bright light shines in Scottish schools every day: innovative approaches to learning; teams who enjoy working and learning together; head teachers who lead with vision; schools in which there is shared respect and which take centre-stage in their local communities can all be found in Scotland.

We live in a world where interest is more often shown in exam results and league tables than in how young people achieve their potential. Often ignored, is the commitment and skills of teachers in creating a vibrant environment for learning.

How might we bring together all our existing good practice and move on to greater success? A road map of one such success lights up the North.

What is the “Magical Thinking” which has resulted in such high levels of achievement and attainment? Perhaps the “drivers of change” are very different?

Finland advocates customising teaching and learning to the needs of the individual, with a focus on creativity. Shared responsibility and trust, support for teachers’ continuing professional development, with an emphasis on capacity building and “learning from each other”, are all ingredients of success. Novel approaches to teaching and learning are made possible through pedagogical freedom, creativity and a sense of professional responsibility.

This series of Masterclasses offers some exemplars, from Scotland and elsewhere of meaningful and lasting change in learning. It offers snapshots of approaches which are “making a difference” – from the story of one individual who “fixed” her own brain, to classrooms, schools, area learning communities and a whole country where change is progressive and the direction for the future is ambitious and challenging.

Read more in the attached flyer below:

Magical Thinking – Tapestry Masterclasses 2012-2013

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