Creative Scotland Awards 2012 – Creativity in Schools Award – nominations open

Do you know a truly creative practitioner, someone who develops truly creative teaching and learning experiences?

You can nominate them now for the Creative Scotland Awards 2012. There is also a Community Arts Award for those working in community settings.

In partnership with the Daily Record, we’re looking for nominations to the Creative Scotland Awards – a celebratory spotlight on the cultural success stories of 2012, and a chance to raise awareness of these stories amongst the people of Scotland.

Find out more and make a nomination…

Creativity in Schools Award – Sponsored by Education Scotland

We pay tribute to two of Scotland’s freshest and most creative young minds, celebrating their achievements at both primary and secondary school levels in Scotland, marking their creative efforts in the education system.

Community Arts Award

Which event or piece of work went beyond the front row and right into the hearts and homes of the local community? We celebrate a succesful artistic endeavour which has impacted the lives of people in the community.

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