National Youth Orchestra of Iraq comes to Scotland

British Council Scotland announces that this August, Scotland will welcome the National Youth Orchestra of Iraq on its first visit to the UK.

“The National Youth Orchestra of Iraq is a fantastic living example of peace and reconciliation by Iraqis, for Iraq and for the world. This year we are invited by the Scottish Government to hold our three week summer school during the Edinburgh Festival. NYOI’s diversity brings together young Arabs and Kurds, among others from across Iraq, to create real harmony together. We were founded by a brave 17-year-old Iraqi, Zuhal Sultan, just four years ago. Since then, the orchestra has developed with the tireless energy of Musical Director Paul MacAlindin. Though many musicians fled the country during the war, we have been determined to create a national youth orchestra for Iraq and the world by collaborating with British Council and German Friends of NYOI. We audition each year on youtube and many of us receive our only tuition at the annual summer school.”


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