This Sucks: The Movie! Featuring a cast of hundreds of nursery pupils

Earlier this year, Glasgow Film Theatre, StarcatchersPlatform and Toad’s Caravan joined forces to produceThis Sucks: The Movie, starring a talented cast of hundreds of children from nurseries around the East-End of Glasgow.

Over two weeks during February, hundreds of children from Glasgow nurseries participated in making the film with directors Matt Addicott and Katy Wilson from Starcatchers and the support of Toad’s Caravan. The film tells the story of Hetty the Hoover and the love of her life — Mike Dust. The concept grew from a previous, highly successful Starcatchers project, This Workshop Sucks, which premiered at the Glasgow Youth Film Festival 2011.

Nursery pupils from Barlanark Family Learning Centre, Helenslea Nursery School, Hullabaloo Children Centre, Sandaig Nursery School and Westercraigs Nursery all took part in the filming. They joined us last week for the world premiere last week at a special ceremony at GFT. Click here to see photos of our red carpet premiere!

The funding for This Sucks: The Movie was made possible by Glasgow City Council’s Area Committee Grants.

You can watch the completed film online now on YouTube: This Sucks: The Movie

​Paul Macgregor, Learning Projects Coordinator at GFT remarked:

“It’s been exciting to see everyone’s hard work rewarded with such a charming and inspiring film, made by and for young children. Glasgow Film is dedicated to engaging young audiences with moving image technology and This Sucks: The Movie is perfect example of the creative projects that take place at GFT all year round. We’ve loved working with Starcatchers, Platform, Toad’s Caravan and we are extremely proud of all the wonderful children who took part.”

Matt Addicott, co-creator of This Sucks, also made a wonderful behind the scenes short about the making of the film: The Making of This Sucks: The Movie

We hope you enjoy the films as much we did making them! Click here to read more about the project.

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