Interdisciplinary learning for a low carbon and zero waste future
Venue: Menzies Hotel, Glasgow, 9:30 am to 3:30 pm, Friday 30 March 2012
This CPD event provides an exciting opportunity for secondary school practitioners to discover how cradle to cradle technologies and a circular economy can be used as a rich and stimulating context for interdisciplinary learning relating to sustainable development education and global citizenship within Curriculum for Excellence.
The Scottish Government is committed to a low-carbon and zero-waste economy and the development of enterprise, creativity, STEM (Sciences, Technologies, Engineering and Maths) and higher order thinking skills in young people are essential if we are to realise these ambitious plans for the future. The circular economy concept proposes the use of sustainable technologies, innovative design and production methods and systems thinking to minimise waste and reduce the exploitation of the Earth’s precious resources. This event will draw on exciting developments within industry which are set to transform the way our economy operates in the decades ahead.
This is a partnership event organised by Education Scotland, The Ellen MacArthur Foundation and the University of Edinburgh.
To book, please email: or Tel. 0141 282 5172. Places are limited so please book early to avoid disappointment.