Live stream of Stellar Quines stage play rehearsal

Stellar Quines is venturing into the world of live streaming. We are live streaming our Rehearsal Room 17 on Thursday 26 January 2012 which will take place at the Traverse. The List by Jennifer Tremblay will be rehearsed during the day by directors Muriel Romanes and Emma Faulkner and actress Maureen Beattie, then given a rehearsed reading in the evening followed by a discussion in Traverse Two.

The sections being live streamed are two hours of the rehearsal in the afternoon, 2pm – 4pm, and the evening performance and discussion which will start at 7.30pm and end by 9pm. There will be an attached moderated chat room, linked twitter etc and you can view it all through the website for our next show ANA which is Hope to see you there either in person or online.


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