Nominate now for an Education Award

Do you know a school or a nursery who provide opportunities for children and young people to participate in sports and other physical pursuits on a regular basis?  Why not nominate them for the Active Nation Award?

Or what about our Health and Wellbeing Award?  This category recognises those schools and nurseries who have developed a holistic approach to health and wellbeing for their pupils.

The Scottish Education Awards 2011 were launched by the Education Secretary, Michael Russell, on Friday 19 November 2010.

To nominate, visit the Scottish Education Awards website.  Entry to the Awards is open to all publicly funded schools, including nursery, primary, secondary and special schools across Scotland in 17 categories.  Nominations are open until Friday 4 March 2011.

You can also get the latest stories and information about the Awards by becoming a fan on Facebook <> .