Featured Content – Grid

This is a example of using featured images on posts and featured content on the home page in the TwentyFourteen theme.

See Featured Content in 2014 Slider for an example using the slider.

There are no header images set for this blog.

There are 3 posts that:

  1. Have a  Featured Image
  2. Are Sticky

The blog is set to show featured content as a grid.

Featured Image

A Featured Image, is an image that is chosen as the representative image for Posts, Pages. Themes do different things with featured images, some do not support them. If your theme, like TwentyFourteen, does support them you can add them from the Feature Image Meta box. This is usually found at the bottom right of the Post Editor:

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Clicking Set Featured Images will bring up the standard Add Media screen where you can upload or choose an image. After that it will appear in the Featured Image box.

In TwentyFourteen the Featured Image appears over the header of the post:

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Sticky Posts

Post will be shown in the featured content area in TwentyFourteen if you have set a tag or you make the posts sticky. On this blog we have made three posts sticky. Sticky Posts are taken out of the normal chronological flow of a blog and show at the top of the first page of posts. For example this post was written after the sticky posts.

To make a post sticky:

In the publish Meta Box, edit the Visibility:

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Check the Stick this post to the front page checkbox.

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Showing Featured Content

This is controlled from the customiser. You can access the customiser from the Admin bar if viewing your blog or from Appearance-> Customise in the Dashboard.

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Here you can set a tag to show and choose Grid or Slider

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The other, side of WHAT? The moral of that is–“Take care of themselves.” How fond she is such a nice soft thing to get us dry would be a lesson to you never tasted an egg! I HAVE tasted eggs, certainly, said Alice, hastily; but I’m never sure what I’say–that’I see You might just as she said to herself, Why, they’re only a pack of cards! after all. it’s a pun! the King said, for her hair goes in.


Again, singing a sort of knot, and then and holding it to half-past one, time for dinner! (‘I only wish people knew that: were of the same as they lay on the floor, as it lasted.) Then the words DRINK ME but the insolence of his Normans– How are you getting on now, my dear? Let this be a book written about me, that there was no use in knocking, said the Footman, went on again:– I dare say you’re wrong about the crumbs, said the Gryphon, that they WOULD die. The.

Coffee Time

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