School staff
Leadership Team:
Head Teacher Mrs Lisa Shields
Depute Head Teacher Ms Sarita Rodriguez
Class Teachers:
P6/7 Mr Thomas Jones
P5 Mr Scott Hamilton
P3/4 Mr Christopher Sneddon
P4/3 Mrs Laura Murray
P2/1 Mr David Stead
NCCT Mrs Pamela Smith
Principal Teacher (Acting) and Challenge Leader of Learning – Mrs Locke
Active Schools Co-ordinator – Mark O’Mara
Support Staff Team
Mrs Elaine Anderson SfLW
Mrs Roseann MacFarlane SfLW
Clerical Staff
Mrs Moira Hart
Mrs Cathy Johnston
Dining Hall Staff
Miss Kimberley Hall
Janitorial/Cleaning Staff
David Meredith, School Janitor
Mrs Liz McKenzie
Mrs Cathy Taylor