Contact Us

School and Nursery Class Address:

Thornwood Primary School
11 Thornwood Avenue
G11 7QZ

Head Teacher: Mrs Dunleavy


Primary School Phone Number: 0141 334 4271

Nursery Class Phone Number: 0141 339 7445

Please note – If there is no reply from the nursery staff are in the playroom working with the children. Please phone the school office if you need to pass on a message urgently.

Our school office is open as follows:

Monday : 8.15 – 4pm

Tuesday 8.15 – 4pm

Wednesday 8.30 – 4pm

Thursday 8.30 – 4pm

Friday 8.15 – 4pm

Please be aware that it may take longer to answer phone calls during lunch time.

Reporting Pupil Absence

New phone number for reporting Pupil Absence.

Please remember you now need to call 0141 287 0039 to report your child absent from school.

Dealing with Parental Concerns

The Senior Leadership Team are available each Thursday from 2.00-3.00pm for any parent wishing to drop-in to discuss a concern.

If this time does not suit and you have a concern that you wish to discuss with us please contact the school office to arrange an appointment or a return phone call from a member of the school management team. We will do our utmost to facilitate this at the earliest available opportunity. Your concern will be looked into and we will let you know our findings. There is often more than one side to a story, and it is our duty to gather the full facts before reacting. Please try to retain the spirit of partnership in any dealings between home and school, even if you are upset or disagree with action taken. We are ultimately on the same side, working for the benefit of the children. It is important to let the school deal with any incident and do not confront other parents or children yourself. This can often lead to an escalation of the situation and could cause serious problems. We appreciate parents and carers’ cooperation with this.