House System

We have a House System at Thornwood Primary School.

Our four houses are Apsley, Kennoway, Rosevale and Exeter, all named after local streets.

House points can be issued at any time by any member of staff, if they see a pupil doing something which they feel merits recognition.

House Point Boxes and House Points Charts are in our main entrance area (at the top of our spiral staircase).

At the end of the session the winning house will receive the House Trophy.

House Captains for Session 2023-24 (Primary 7 pupils)

The captains and vice captains are voted in by their peers following speeches by the candidates.        

Rosevale Isabelle

Kennoway Mehmet

Exeter Daniel

Apsley Charlie

Vice Captains for Session 2023-24 (Primary 6 pupils)

To be elected soon…