School Uniform

Thornwood Primary School Dress Code consists of:

  • white polo shirt with school logo
  • white school shirt/school tie
  • navy sweatshirt with school logo
  • navy ‘hoodie’ with school logo
  • navy fleece with school logo
  • grey trousers
  • grey skirt/pinafore
  • navy cardigan or jumper

Pupils can wear any combination of the above.

Please ensure all items of clothing are named.

Also available to order from the school office

  • Thornwood badges for blazer
  • Thornwood book carriers

* August 2020 Update *

As there will be increased outdoor learning this year children can come to school in leggings or jogging trousers and trainers. Children should not bring a change of clothes or shoes to school. Please also ensure that all children have a waterproof jacket as we will be outdoors learning in all types of Scottish weather!

Uniform Bank

We also have a ‘uniform bank’ of nearly new items which our Pupil Council have set up. This runs at most school events.

If parents / carers have items of uniform which children have outgrown, please hand them in (washed!) to our school office.

Clothing Grant

If you think your child is eligible for a clothing grant or free school meals please follow this link to download an application form for session 2017/18.

You can also pick a form up from the Service Desk at 45 John Street.

Existing applicants, who were awarded a Clothing Grant for session 2016/2017, will receive an application form in the post.  If the applicant has had no change in their circumstances (change of address, employment status, benefits etc), they should complete and return this form to the Grants team at the address below :-

Glasgow City Council

Grants Section

PO Box 29347


G20 0BY