Home Learning (Isolation)

Home Learning Activity Ideas

If you are unable to come to school and collect language/maths jotters then any spare paper, old envelopes or cereal boxes will do to let your child practise their number or letter formation at home.


Maths Ideas

Maths Home Learning Grid

-number formation to 5

-Let your child join in with making a meal. They can help chop and discuss the maths involved in making a meal.

-patterns with shapes and numbers

-Make your own clock at home or a timetable of the day with activities such as getting up, lunchtime, bath time or bedtime.

-write simple number patterns and ask children to fill the missing numbers

-drawing 2D/3D shapes

-Discuss coins at home and set up a little role play shop or café. Each item should cost anything from 1p to 5p.

-drawing coins and amounts up to 1p and 2p

-Use recyclable materials, Lego or building blocks to make a model of anything you wish


Ideas for language at home:

Book bingo

-read a book/watch a film and draw or write about your  favourite part

-Go through the alphabet and think of as many words that start with each letter that you can. How many words can you come up with?

  • Handwriting- Write all your sounds and words. You can do this with your pencil or colourful pens or outside with chalk. Find all the words and sounds learned so far here:

-Sing nursery rhymes or find a story in your home that rhymes.

-How many things can you write or draw that rhymes with the words:

  1. cat       4. sit
  2. dog     5. ten
  3. big


Online Learning

You Tube (Parent supervision required) Jolly Phonics, jack Hartmam, The Singing Walrus…

https://www.topmarks.co.uk/ – click on learning games and there are a load of games under the 5-7 year olds category.

Sumdog – all children have their own log-ins, if you have any difficulty with this please contact the class teacher on email/ phone.

https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/levels/zf7hgwx – this link will take you straight to activities aimed at P1 level

https://www.doorwayonline.org.uk/activities/letterformation/ – a great site to practise letter and number formation

https://blogs.glowscotland.org.uk/gc/stfrancisoa/ – lots of activities are available on our school website!

BBC I player- alphablocks / numberblocks




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