St Bridget's School Blog – Glasgow site

June 19, 2017
by User deactivated


Soon it will be summer 2017! Some people will be going on holiday others while will be going out with there family and more. Sadly this means we will have to say goodbye to our fabulous Primary 7s but we will be seeing some new cute little p1s.P6 will be going into P7 witch means they will get to run for house captain and will get buddies and P5s will get to go for vice captain when they move up into P6.Hope everyone has a good summer.

June 19, 2017
by User deactivated

Primary 7 Prom

Primary seven have just had there school prom. If you dont know what prom is it is a party for those who are leaving school and going into high school. Before they leave the school for good there will be aleaving mass to wish them good luck in studying.

June 19, 2017
by User deactivated

Mr Lyons Retirement

Sadly one of are teachers Mr Lyons is Retiring we will miss him dearly and hope he enjoys his retirement. Mr Lyons has been teaching for a long time and is one of the best will miss him. We are all sad to see him go but we will hopefully get a new teacher in our school.

P5 Hoodwink Show

June 19, 2017 by User deactivated | 0 comments

Today Primary 5 were doing the Hoodwinked show. They all looked amazing in there costumes and had a ball on stage! Robin hood and Maid Marian were some of the main characters. Their dances were cool!  Well done to Primary 5 for putting on such a good show

June 6, 2017
by User deactivated

Primary 6 A and B At The Woods

Primary 6a and b were at the woods today even when it was heavy rain.. awesome! They where very sensible while crossing the roads and  listened to everything that the teachers said according to Mrs Graham. Mr McMahon told us to plan and build our Den Designs. We completed this and managed to get back to school safely and in time for our playtime. We learned that team work  makes a job a lot easier.  Next week we will be making and hanging bird feeders from trees conserving our woodland environment. Job Done!

by Liam and Corey

June 6, 2017
by User deactivated

Senior Choir Go To Motherwell Cathedral

On Thursday 8th of June the senior choir are going to Motherwell Cathedral to sing at a mass for St Francis. They have been practising very hard and they sound  awesome. I hope they do well! They will be singing: Suffer little children ,The Credo, Gloria and loads loads more! Good luck senior choir.

May 23, 2017
by User deactivated

P7s running gathering the voices exhibition

Our P7’s this year have been tasked with taking charge of the gathering the voices exhibit which normally doesn’t come to primary schools.

This exhibition is all about preserving the story’s of survivors of the Holocaust and World War II. We hope you are able to attend and wish the P7’s good luck  who have been preparing very hard and delivering tours of excellent quality. Mr McMahon said, “I am extremely impressed by the depth of knowledge and personal understanding the tour guides from Primary 7’s have shown to P6. All my children left this event deeply moved and greatly informed about the desperate struggle many people experienced during the Second world War. On behalf of P6 thank you for sharing your knowledge with us!”



May 23, 2017
by User deactivated

Our new Play Ground

St bridgets playground is full of fun games and activites for kids 4-12  all kids enjoy playing on St Bridget’s ground

In the back playground there are multible activites starting with

  • a race ground that have animals saing stop look think
  • then a small shop stand
  • a clock/cumpus to help younger kids
  • a stage to preform and benches for a audience
  • a climbing frame
  • a caturpilar with the alpha bet on it
  • a turtel with numbers up to 25

In the front playground there is many many thing starting of with

  •  a st bridgets sign right at the front door
  •  a skipping rope station whith a basket full of skipping ropes
  •  a basket ball court with two nets a one basket ball
  •  a football pitch
  •  an activity trail that leads round the pencils
  •  a station of pencils
  •  footsteps that lead round the entire front playground for  our mile walk
  •  a hop scotch place

May 23, 2017
by User deactivated

Rugby festival

On the Seventh of May our p7 pupils went to Mount Vernon park once more to compete in another Rugby Festival it was a bright and warm day which was the perfect weather.

Mount Vernon primary  were there on the day to compete. First the boys and the girls were split in to groups then were split further in to three different groups of boys from our school and the same for the girls. Then it was one of the groups from or school against one from Mount Vernon the festival went on for about an hour and during that time we all enjoyed a great few games of rugby.

“I found the rugby really good and fun”-said Martin McLean” I really thought it was good that we could play against another school”












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