St Bridget's School Blog – Glasgow site

June 19, 2017
by User deactivated


Soon it will be summer 2017! Some people will be going on holiday others while will be going out with there family and more. Sadly this means we will have to say goodbye to our fabulous Primary 7s but we will … Continue reading

P5 Hoodwink Show

June 19, 2017 by User deactivated | 0 comments

Today Primary 5 were doing the Hoodwinked show. They all looked amazing in there costumes and had a ball on stage! Robin hood and Maid Marian were some of the main characters. Their dances were cool!  Well done to Primary 5 for putting on such a good show

May 23, 2017
by User deactivated

Our new Play Ground

St bridgets playground is full of fun games and activites for kids 4-12  all kids enjoy playing on St Bridget’s ground In the back playground there are multible activites starting with a race ground that have animals saing stop look … Continue reading

May 23, 2017
by User deactivated

Rugby festival

On the Seventh of May our p7 pupils went to Mount Vernon park once more to compete in another Rugby Festival it was a bright and warm day which was the perfect weather. Mount Vernon primary  were there on the day to … Continue reading

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