On the 3rd of May our primary 7 went to visit the Scottish Parliament where they went for a very sneaky peak in the debating chamber and managed to get a very special question and answer session with John Mason the MSP for Shettleston.
When p7 seven first arrived at the Scottish parliament they had to go through a metal detector and put anything they were carrying on to a conveyer belt that went through a computer that scanned it (a bit like an airport) after they went through security a guide lead them through the lobby and to a room.
The power point was mostly all about the history of the Scottish parliament then were escorted up to the very top level were they had a question and answer session with John Mason Shettleston’s MSP. After that they were all very quietly hushed into seats in the debating chamber were nobody moved for about half an hour while they all listened to a debate that never seemed to end after a while they had to leave and weren’t back to school for quite a while.
It was a great opportunity to get inside the Scottish parliament and see how our Government works.