St Bridget's School Blog – Glasgow site

Google Cardboard Adventure


Google cardboard was bringing your child halfway across the world and back in time for 3 o’klock last friday.

The whole  school took it in turns to experince google cardboard where they were either climbing a 900 metre tall mountain deep sea diving with sharks exploring a under ground cave or perhapes having a cassual stroll on the top of an active volcano!

It may look just like a cardboard box but for the people wearing them who knows what they could be seeing.

  It was a fantastic fun experince for all the school and you can get one yourself by just downloading the app on your phone. Buy one of the boxes of Amazon and slip your phone inside look through and in no time you could be in the Great Barrier reef. Julia says “the best part is the boxes cost only 6 to 10 pounds”,  So next time we have a day off school you could decide to have a day of work and spend your time having  fun filled experiences with  VR Google. (but make sure you dont trip over the cat!)



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