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Breakfast Club

We run a Breakfast Club in St Blane’s during term time Monday to Friday.

Glasgow City Council have set the price for the breakfast club at £2 per day (for the eldest child in the school – younger siblings pay £1.00)  Although all P1 – P4 pupils receive free school lunches – only children who are entitled to a free meal and clothing grant don’t pay for the Breakfast Club.

The door from the playground, for the breakfast club will open at 8:00am and close at 8:40am.  As always, parents will not be allowed into the dining hall. The dining staff will take a register of children as they arrive at the dining hall. There will be no adult presence in the playground until 8:45 am. Then the janitor will be in one yard and a pupil support assistant in the other.

Parents will have the option of having their children stay in the school dining hall until 9:00am with the dining assistants, or parents can give their permission for their child to be in the playground from 8:45am.  The dining assistants (if permission is given) will sign the children out into the yard.

If you would like your child to attend breakfast club, please complete the permission slip below and hand into the office. Only children with parental permission will be sent into the yard. When we have severe weather conditions we will keep all breakfast club children in the hall.

Please note: 

Due to current Covid 19 regulations

  • All breakfast club children will be going into the playground at 8.45am until further notice. 
  • Cash is not currently accepted for breakfast club payments.  Please contact the office for your unique code to pay for breakfast club online. 

Permission Slip 2019-2020



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