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Vision, Values and Aims


St Blane’s Primary – Working Together  in Confidence and Trust.


Our school values are being established and embedded this year.  After consulting Parents, staff  and  pupils we have decided on the values most important to our school.




Our school aims are developed through reflection on the tasks in the school improvement plan. We agree on the outcomes of the tasks and devise our aims as a result of this. There are also aims which encapsulate the overall work and aspirations of the school.  The aims are discussed with pupils and staff and communicated with parents initially through the parent council.  We will address these to ensure they reflect the school this session.


As a community of FAITH, we aim to:

Place Christ at the centre of our school

Build an atmosphere of openness, tolerance and mutual-respect where pupils and adults are helped to understand and appreciate the diversity of cultures, faiths and beliefs represented in St Blane’s Primary, Scotland and across the world.

Provide meaningful opportunities for pupils to develop their knowledge and understanding of the Catholic faith, actively participate in religious observance and respond positively to God’s invitation of friendship


As a community of SERVICE, we aim to:

Provide a safe, inclusive, nurturing and equitable learning environment where all members of our school community are able to grow into confident individuals and feel happy, valued and fulfilled.

Recognise every child and adult as a unique individual and continually endeavour to meet the spiritual, emotional, physical, social and intellectual needs of all

Foster Gospel values of openness, tolerance, love, connection, service, growth and perseverance, equipping all members of our school community to serve as responsible citizens within St Blane’s and in the local and global community.


As a community of LEARNING, we aim to:

Provide the highest quality of learning and teaching across the curriculum, supporting all pupils to be literate, numerate and healthy, equipped with the knowledge, skills and attributes necessary for being lifelong successful learners in an ever-changing society

Establish and maintain high, but realistic, standards and expectations for all, fostering a love of learning in both pupils and adults and supporting everyone within our school community top take responsibility for their own learning.




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