Christian initiation in the Catholic tradition is celebrated in Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. Through these visible actions, St Bartholomew’s pupils are incorporated into the Church and come to share in its life and mission. As Catholics, we believe that we are reborn in baptism, strengthened by confirmation and sustained by the food of the Eucharist.
‘Happy are those whose sins are forgiven, whose wrongs are pardoned.’ (Psalm 32: 1)
St Bartholomew’s pupils prepare for their First Reconciliation (sometimes known as confession or the Sacrament of Penance) in Primary 3 and receive the sacrament during the month of March. The children are taught about the importance of saying sorry for the mistakes they make and reflect on God’s great love for them and His willingness to always forgive.
‘I am the Bread of Life. Those who come to Me will never be hungry.’ (John 6: 35)
St Bartholomew’s pupils are usually prepared for receiving their First Eucharist in Primary 4. The boys and girls spend a lot of time learning about and reflecting on the tremendous gift of the Eucharist. They receive their First Holy Communion during the month of May.
‘When the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you will be filled with power, and you will be witnesses for Me.’ (Acts 1: 8)
The Sacrament of Confirmation is celebrated in Primary 7. In Confirmation, young people are signed with the gift of the Holy Spirit. The sacrament renews and strengthens their baptismal call to bear witness to Christ before the world and to devote themselves to the building up of His body, which is the Church. All children who wish to be presented for these Sacraments must be baptised.
If you wish to have your child baptised, please contact your Parish Priest.