All posts by Miss McCue

First week back after the October week

We had a really really busy week but it was fun! We started our new topic which is about the  issue of hunger. – Zarah.

On Monday, we started a new book called Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone.  We have met lots of characters already and for homework, we visualised what Mr Dursley looks like from the description that JK Rowling gave us. – Fareed.

We had digital learning with Mr Stewart on Tuesday.  On paper, we drew the front cover for Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone.  Then, we took a picture of it and put it into notes on an iPad.  Then, we coloured it in on the iPad.  It was fun! – Maha.

Some of us went on a trip to the graveyard with Mr Orr and Mr McCormack.  We read poems and videoed it using iPads.  Then we made a short film of us looking at graves and screaming before running away.  We drew graves using charcoal and I ended up with charcoal all over my face. #LOL  #HALLOWEENSPIRIT – Mujtaba.

On Wednesday morning, we had music with Mrs Pattie.  We created a rhythm and beat and then added lyrics to it about our new topic,  hunger.  Every group played their new song to the rest of the class using instruments. #MUSICIANS4LYF – Mimi.


Miss McCue taught us a new method which will help us multiply big numbers.  It is called The Grid Method and it helps us a lot.  At the start, it was kind of hard but we got the hang of it. #LEARNINGNEWTHINGS

For PE this week, we were playing basketball on the pitch.  We transferred the defending skills and passes we have learned about in previous weeks.  My team lost, BOO! #MOVEOVERMICHAELJORDAN – Hussain.

We carried out a survey of the upper classes on how much food they waste at lunch and at dinner.  Then we created a bar graph of the results during maths time.  We don’t think that everyone in P7 were being honest because hardly any of them said they ever waste food.  Maybe they thought they would get in trouble. – Rayan.

On Thursday afternoon, we researched world hunger.  On the computers, we looked at a map of countries in Africa which told us how many people are suffering of starvation and why.  Some people used iPads to search for solutions to end world hunger while other people made posters to display this information.  I loved it. #STOPWORLDHUNGER – Zeenat.

We debated causes of world hunger on Friday morning with Louisa from the Debate League.  You had to choose one side, either proposition or opposition. – Dilya.




P6 learning this week.

In mental maths, we have been learning how to add and subtract near doubles – whole numbers a decimal numbers. – Zarah.

We expressed our emotions in an emotion wheel through art. – Fareed.

We have been planning an informative essay on alternative energy sources.  – Hafsa.

Some of us were lucky enough to go to a music studio and sang songs and played the drums and the piano.  Rishab’s singing was amazing!! Fareed was so good at rapping!! – Amina.

We learned about proper nouns and singular and plural nouns. – Eshaal.

On Wednesday morning, we had music with Mrs. Pattie.  We worked in groups to compose a rhythm and we played instruments to this rhythm. – Aibak.

For PE, we learned defending skills and played against each other.  We made it harder for ourselves by adding more defenders. – Emaan.

On Wednesday night, we had parents night.  Some of us were scared for our reports but they were soooo good!! – Zeenat.

We are starting to learn about data analysis and we completed an assessment.  Miss McCue said we will do the same assessment at the end of the topic so as we can see how much we have learned. – Maha.

We watched a clip from The Apprentice and learned what the apprentice is so as we can pretend we are in The Apprentice as part of our literacy topic.  We found out about the Tesla car and how it works.  We ate popcorn and sweets while we learned. #YUM

We brought Mrs Harker to our class and debated school uniform with her.  We gave her reasons why we should not have to wear school uniform but she shot us down by giving us lots of reasons why we should wear school uniform. #wegotowned – Haidar.


IMG_8080  << Watch our video of us debating school uniforms with Mrs Harker.


On Friday, it was Miss Brook’s 50th birthday!! We surprised her with an  amazing assembly.  She was so shocked! We gave her cards, flowers, presents and cake.  We sang happy birthday to her and read her an amazing story which was created by all of the classes in the school.  The teachers made an archway and Miss Brooks and the Eco-Committee danced the Conga underneath it.  Miss Brooks was so happy that she started crying! #SURPRISE #50 – Dilya.

That’s the story of our week 🙂

Outdoor Learning Week

This week has been outdoor learning week and maths week so we have been very busy learning outside.

On Monday, we learned about the properties of 2D and 3D shapes and then we made the shapes with sticks and play doh! – Fareed. 





We went to Whitelee Windfarm on Wednesday to learn more about  our sustainability topic.  We learned about wind turbines and their different sizes, heights and the speed which their blades move – 180mph WOW!!!! – Hafsa

In the hub, we carried out an experiment to see which shape would make the blades turn the quickest.  We found out that it was the rectangles. – Zeenat 





We hugged the turbines for a laugh. – Arhum

We played a game with Ryan the Ranger and we raced each other to see which energy sources were eco friendly. – Maidah






We walked across the peat bog and had to jump over a ditch.  One person nearly fell in! We learned about peat and that the bog  is 80% water.  The peat felt like a wet sponge and when we jumped, the ground shook. – Aibak.


On Thursday, we had to decide how we could make our own wind turbines out of kitchen roll holders, card rectangles, straws and pins.  It was really hard and Miss McCue set a challenge that the first person to create a turbine and get it to spin would get 10 Dojo points.  Arhum was the first to get his wind turbine to spin.  It was so much fun. #windenergy #windturbines


Our learning this week …

This week has been super busy but awesome. Here’s some of the things we have been learning .

We worked in groups of three to take notes from a fact file on an energy source.  We then presented each of our energy sources to the rest of the class and they took notes on our presentation.  It was a bit scary and some of us were shy but we tried our best and presented really well.

We were learning how to round and estimate in mental maths.  It was fun! Zarah was teaching us her strategy.


In maths, we learned about the properties of quadrilaterals and triangles.  We know that some triangles have different lengths of sides but in every triangle, the angles add up to 180 degrees.  For fun, we became detectives and solved some triangle crimes.  We managed to solve both mysteries and put Mr Right Angle and Miss Scalene behind bars. We all got Dojo points for being amazing detectives!

On Tuesday, Mr Stewart taught us how to edit photos on the iPads.  We worked with partners and changed the filter on some pictures.  We also learned how to crop pictures and change the background of pictures.

With Miss Brooks in science, we learned about plant growth and we planned our experiment in our jotters.

In PE, we learned different passes that we can use in basketball, netball, football and rugby.


We had an Eid party on Thursday after school.  We danced to music, played games and had some snacks – it was fantastic!!


On Friday, we had a visitor in who was teaching us how to debate.  We worked in groups to make mind maps. of reasons why the summer holidays should be longer and why they should be shorter.  We then debated this and then voted.  3 people in our class think the summer holidays should be shorter but most of us think they should be longer so that we can sleep more, spend more time with our families, go on holidays and chillax!!






New Beginnings in P6!

Our focus this week has been New Beginnings and we have had a very positive start in P6.  We hope the rest of this year is as spectacular as this week has been.


We started reading our new class book, ‘Eye of the Wolf’. We have been working hard and answering questions about the book using the reading skills of summarizing, connecting and comparing. We can’t wait to read more!


We were huddling together to think of a game plan for our game of rounders.  In our PE time this week, we have been learning how to work as part of a team.


We  enjoy our personal reading in our library for the last 15 minutes of every day .  #WELOVEREADING


We have been creating posters for the Rock Against Racism festival in Govanhill and Queens Park this weekend.


We were lucky enough to have a new friend join our class this week.  She made lots of friends because we made her feel very welcome.