All posts by Miss McCue

Journey of a Fairtrade Football

Following on from our learning during Fairtrade Fortnight, we worked in groups to transfer our notes and create posters to display to journey of a Fairtrade football.

Emaan, Amina and Manahil made their poster look like a journey by drawing a road and including information on the road.

Haidar and Arhum included lots of information and made theirs into a mind map.

Laiba and Hafsa worked hard to cut and stick hexagons onto their poster to create a realistic football look.

Umar and Zain painted their poster and included the fair trade colours – blue, green and black.

Baldy Bane on Bullying.

We have been practising how to use a checklist to self assess our diary writing. This has helped us improve our writing but it’s hard to write a diary entry as another person.

Through reading the book Wonder, we have learned that we should treat everyone the same. Eshaal explains it perfectly ❤❤

To help with writing a diary entry from the perspective of Joe from Divided City, we hot seated the character. Fareed was so funny as Joe and managed to answer all the questions we asked him. It was so much fun!

Baldy Bame performed a play for us about bullying and abuse. We had to decide if we thought boys bully more than girls. Most people agreed but Amina disagreed and said she thought girls bully just as much as boys.

We were reminded never to stay silent about bullying. There are lots of people we can talk to.


St Albert’s Art @ The Tramway

On Friday, we walked to the Tramway to see our art which was displayed in an exhibition.

There was a room which was full of St Albert’s art which was amazing.  We felt proud to see our work displayed and felt like proper artists.

“I don’t really have a huge interest in art but when I looked at my work being displayed, I felt really proud of myself.” – Manahil.

After we looked at our art exhibition, we played in The Hidden Gardens.  It was so much fun playing in the sun with our friends.


We have been learning to use a checklist to self assess our writing.

We started reading the book ‘Wonder’ by R.J. Palacio as part of World Book Week. It is about a boy called August who has face deformities and he has been home schooled all his life.  His parents decide that he has to start school and August feels terrified because he has never been to a school before and he thinks he will be bullied and judged because of the way he looks.

So, we are all making astronaut helmets because August wears an astronaut helmet to hide his face because he is ashamed of it and he knows that people will stare at him.

It was a long process.  Firstly, we had to cut cardboard boxes into a helmet shape.  Then, we had to draw then carve out a rectangle shape at the eyes so as we can see when we wear them. 

When we finally all created our helmets, the painting and designing could begin!  This was the fun part. #PAINTGOALS  #GLITTERGOALS  #ARTISTS  #FUN


Hey P6!! Hope you’re all having fun in the snow ☃️💜

Miss McCue went to the park with her friend and her dogs today. The dogs had so much fun playing in the snow!! 

What are you all up to today? Post your replies and get on the St Albert’s twitter to see what your teachers and friends have been upto. 

Successful slime makers!!

 For a reward for reaching 1000 Dojo Points, we all made slime in class.  To make the slime, first we added PVA glue, then we added some baking soda.  Lastly, we added contact solution and stirred it all together with a ruler until the consistency got thicker.  We had the choice of adding paint and glitter to customise our slime and make it our own.  It was so much fun.  Zain said it was the best day he’s ever had at school.

We love to use our library to read for 15 minutes at the end of every day.


  Rebecca from the Scottish Refugee Council came in to talk to us about refugees and migrants.  We learned some statistics about refugees.  There are 117, 234 refugees living in the UK.  Rebecca also told us how the Scottish Refugee Council fundraise for refugees.  One of the ways was having a coffee and tea morning and she showed us tea cosies that had been knitted with the flags of countries that people have migrated from.  Iran, Iraq and Pakistan are the top 3 countries that people migrate to the UK from.

After our talk with Rebecca, we went outside and used the outdoor classroom to make mindmaps about the information Rebecca had just given us.  We are trying to come up with ideas of how we can fundraise for the Scottish Refugee Council.

Having fun and dancing for our daily 15 minutes of exercise before lunchtime.


The NSPCC came in to talk to us about internet safety.  We learned how to use the  internet safely and what to do if we ever get into a conversation with someone we don’t know.  We also learned about different types of bullying and abuse.  Cyber bullying happens all the time.


We practised our typing skills and typed up our entries for the BBC’s 500 word challenge.  We all wrote a 500 word essay that had some real stuff in it but some parts were made up from the fantasy genre.  The winner will be announced soon.

Migration Show and Share

We practised our cricket skills outside on the pitch.  We can see an improvement in everyone’s bowling skills.

Migration Coffee Morning:

We hosted a coffee morning on Friday morning and we invited parents and visitors from the Milk Café and Awaz FM into school so that we could share our experiences of migration. The Milk Café work with migrants who have migrated from different countries. – Mimi.

Some pupils stood up and shared their thoughts on migration and showed pictures and ornaments from their culture. – Haidar.

Some of us went with Gouri from Awaz FM and interviewed the parents on their experience of migration. Then, Gouri interviewed us and she was asking us about our heritage and culture.  Our interviews are going to be aired on Awaz FM which is cool because we have never had this experience before. – Soha and Manahil.

It was very interesting getting to know differnyt people’s experiences and finding out their migration stories. – Hafsa.

Some pupils asked parents questions about where they came from and why they migrated. We found out how some parents feel about their migration journey. – Amina.

It was interesting to see how Mrs Brightman’s language has changed from moving from England to Glasgow. She has started using Glaswegian words and phrases thanks to help to the help of Miss McCue. – Zeenat.




Divided City:

When reading Divided City, we finally found out why Joe’s dad is depressed. It’s because Joe’s mum is dead.  Some of us predicted this a couple of weeks ago. – Saad.
Joe and Graham had an argument about both of their traditions and beliefs but, in the end, football brought their friendship back together. – Rayan.
We found it funny that Joe gave Graham the Catholic name of Gregory so that his family wouldn’t know Graham is a Protestant. – Maidah.

GlaswegAsians – Our Heritage.

The focus of this week was ‘Storytelling’.  We had a storyteller in during assembly who told us a fairy-tale.  He was amazing because he used expressions and we were able to visualise the story in our head.  He spoke so clearly and he was very confident.  We know this is what a good storyteller sounds like.

We created profiles for our heritage.  We have lots of different heritages but most of us are Scottish Pakistani.  Hussain has Afghani and Dutch heritage, Amina has Portuguese and English heritage, Laiba has Malaysian, Maidah has Latvian and French, Mujtaba has Spanish and Dilya has Kurdish heritage.  Miss McCue has Scottish and Irish heritage.  We are all migrants.


On Monday, Scott from Sense Over Sectarianism came in to teach us about sectarianism.  We learned about the bigotry that exists in our city and we learned more about Protestants and Catholics.  Also, we learned that prejudice means that you judge someone before you get to know them, for example, all Muslims being terrorists.  We know this is not true.  This links to our class novel, Divided City.

Tuesday was Internet Safety Day.  We learned that we must not share our private information with anyone and we must not talk to strangers online.  Also, we learned that we must use social media in a responsible way.

On Friday, we went on a trip to Scotland Street School Museum and looked at an exhibition called GlaswegAsians.  We learned about the history of Asians coming to Glasgow.

“I learned that Bashir Maan was the first Muslim councillor in Glasgow and I loved the trip because finding out about the history of my culture was interesting.” – Zeenat.

“We interviewed each other and then told the rest of the class about our friend.  It was good because we got to know more about each other and languages that people in the class spoke.  We speak so many languages in Primary 6 like – English, Spanish, Punjabi, Urdu, French, Kashmiri, Portuguese, Kurdish, Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Indonesian.  How talented are we?” – Dilya.


After the exhibition, we had time to explore the rest of the museum.  We had a look at the Victorian classroom and the classroom from World War 2.  They look quite different to our classroom!!


We started to plan our writing for BBC’s 500 word competition.  We all have lots of different ideas from our world and some made up ideas from a fantasy world.
J K Rowling’s in the making!!



Sporty Week in P6

Happy birthday Maidah!! Have fun celebrating this weekend and thanks for the chocoate cake you brought in for everyone to share 😃 

On Monday, students from Langside College came in to teach us Athletics games.  We played games in teams and worked together.  It was a nice treat, we had fun!


We’ve read 20 chapters of Divided City now.  We read that Joe and Graham were at an Old Firm match and the fans were shouting abuse at each other.  The Rangers fans were throwing potatoes at the Celtic Fans.

“I think the Rangers fans were throwing potatoes at the Celtic fans because of the Potato Famine which happened in Ireland in 1849.” – Maidah


The primary 6’s from P6/7 joined us on Thursday afternoon.  We all worked together to come up with push and pull factors for migration.

Push factors are reasons why people leave a country.

Pull factors are reasons why people want to go live in a country.

Then, we debated with a partner.  One person was on the proposition side (they wanted to move to another country).  The other person was on the opposition side (they were arguing that they wanted to stay in their current country).


       We began our Learning Journey folders and had fun drawing ourselves and reflecting on Term 1 and Term 2.

Saad’s drawing of himself looked soooo much like him. HAHA!!

 On Thursday, it was Robert Burn’s birthday and so we celebrated by learning Scots Dialect.

“Miss, a swear a wisnae talkin!”

Fizziwig Theatre came in and performed a play for us called, ‘Wee Sleekit Cowrin Timrous Beastie.’ 

Robert Burns confessed his love to Miss Kinloch when he was writing his poem, A Red Red Rose.

Eshaal – “The play was about Robert Burns and he fell in love with Jean Armour.  Robert lived on a farm with his brother Gilbert and they were very poor.  Gilbert didn’t think that Robert’s poems were good but, in the end, Robert Burns became famous when his poems were published.”

Hafsa – “I liked how Robert Burns sang his songs and read his poems.”

Zarah – “I loved Gilbert because he was so silly and he acts responsible but is actually really irresponsible.”

Fareed – “A burst of laughter!”

Laiba – “The mouse was so funny because he kept stealing Robert Burns’ poems and food.”

Mimi- “I liked it when all the actors started singing together.  I felt different emotions during it.”

Zeenat – “I loved when Jean sang because her voice is amazing. “

Aibak – “I hated when Jean’s dad threatened Robert by saying that he would cut his limbs off if he goes out with Jean.”



Meilyr Jones, a Welsh singer, pianist and songwriter came and sang for us.  It was such a nice treat.  He is so amazing!!

Miss McCue made us haggis – Halal of course.  We had it with tatties and peppercorn sauce.  The peppercorn sauce was amazing!!!! Some people didn’t like the haggis but others loved it.  We gave some down to Musa in P6/7 because we know he loves it. #SCOTTISHEXPERIENCE