First week back after the October week

We had a really really busy week but it was fun! We started our new topic which is about the  issue of hunger. – Zarah.

On Monday, we started a new book called Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone.  We have met lots of characters already and for homework, we visualised what Mr Dursley looks like from the description that JK Rowling gave us. – Fareed.

We had digital learning with Mr Stewart on Tuesday.  On paper, we drew the front cover for Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone.  Then, we took a picture of it and put it into notes on an iPad.  Then, we coloured it in on the iPad.  It was fun! – Maha.

Some of us went on a trip to the graveyard with Mr Orr and Mr McCormack.  We read poems and videoed it using iPads.  Then we made a short film of us looking at graves and screaming before running away.  We drew graves using charcoal and I ended up with charcoal all over my face. #LOL  #HALLOWEENSPIRIT – Mujtaba.

On Wednesday morning, we had music with Mrs Pattie.  We created a rhythm and beat and then added lyrics to it about our new topic,  hunger.  Every group played their new song to the rest of the class using instruments. #MUSICIANS4LYF – Mimi.


Miss McCue taught us a new method which will help us multiply big numbers.  It is called The Grid Method and it helps us a lot.  At the start, it was kind of hard but we got the hang of it. #LEARNINGNEWTHINGS

For PE this week, we were playing basketball on the pitch.  We transferred the defending skills and passes we have learned about in previous weeks.  My team lost, BOO! #MOVEOVERMICHAELJORDAN – Hussain.

We carried out a survey of the upper classes on how much food they waste at lunch and at dinner.  Then we created a bar graph of the results during maths time.  We don’t think that everyone in P7 were being honest because hardly any of them said they ever waste food.  Maybe they thought they would get in trouble. – Rayan.

On Thursday afternoon, we researched world hunger.  On the computers, we looked at a map of countries in Africa which told us how many people are suffering of starvation and why.  Some people used iPads to search for solutions to end world hunger while other people made posters to display this information.  I loved it. #STOPWORLDHUNGER – Zeenat.

We debated causes of world hunger on Friday morning with Louisa from the Debate League.  You had to choose one side, either proposition or opposition. – Dilya.




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