Glasgow City Tour Bus with Sandaig Primary

What a great start to the month of May!

We were lucky enough to go on the Glasgow City Tour Bus with the P6 pupils from Sandaig Primary and see lots of famous sights in Glasgow.

#WINDY πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Can you name these famous places?Β 

We filmed each other describing the famous Glasgow landmarks using iPads. Here’s Rio filming Haidar at St Mungo’s Cathedral.

As well as seeing the sights of Glasgow and filming shots for our European Championship films, we also got to the know the kids from Sandaig Primary better and made new friends.Β 

Fareed had too much fresh air and excitement for one day …

17 thoughts on “Glasgow City Tour Bus with Sandaig Primary

  1. It was fun on the top when the bridge came we all out are hands up and when the bridge came close it felt like it choped are hands of it was so funnnnnnnnnπŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

  2. It was so fun when Some of Us got to Speak through the Micro phone
    I am not Sure If that’s how you spell Micro phone!!!
    # Soyeh

  3. It was so fun when we got to Sit at top!!!
    I enjoyed it when the wind was blowing in my face!!!

  4. Seriously I thought you have been emaan because I know zara your sister is into 🎢 music 🎧

  5. I exxtttreeemmlyyy LOVED the tour bus ride it was so amazing when we were at the top and we were on the highway. Three facts about Glasgow:
    1. The Glasgow Cathedral was made in 1260
    2. St. Mungos Mueseum was made in 1990
    3. The Glasgow University is the 2nd largest uni in Glasgow after St. Andrews Uni aanddd it was found in 1451. #IveActuallyRemeberedSomthingForOnceπŸ˜‚β˜Ί

  6. When I was at the top of the tour bus I felt amazing and you could see everything from there!!! But my favourite part was when we took photos and videos.

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