Tweetin’ Summaries

We have been reading some short stories as part of our literacy work.

They are moral stories and each have a lesson to be learned in them.

Working with other Primary schools in Glasgow, we are trying to summarise the story in only 280 characters!! That’s not a lot by the way. Each letter, space and piece of punctuation counts as one character. It was so hard at first but we’ve gotten pretty good at it.


We used the ‘Talk for Writing’ method to summarise the story of Pandora’s box through illustrations and actions. This helps us remember the story and have fun at the same time.

14 thoughts on “Tweetin’ Summaries

  1. Same at first I found it hard to fit the whole story in the 280 boxes then afterwards I got the hang of it and I found it easy 😂

  2. Same at first I found it hard to fit in the whole story in the 280 boxes then afterwards I got the hang of it and I found it easy😂😅😤

  3. P6 are always putting good effort into their work. We are the beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeest. aren’t we Miss Mc Cue.

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