Outdoor Learning Week

This week has been outdoor learning week and maths week so we have been very busy learning outside.

On Monday, we learned about the properties of 2D and 3D shapes and then we made the shapes with sticks and play doh! – Fareed. 





We went to Whitelee Windfarm on Wednesday to learn more about  our sustainability topic.  We learned about wind turbines and their different sizes, heights and the speed which their blades move – 180mph WOW!!!! – Hafsa

In the hub, we carried out an experiment to see which shape would make the blades turn the quickest.  We found out that it was the rectangles. – Zeenat 





We hugged the turbines for a laugh. – Arhum

We played a game with Ryan the Ranger and we raced each other to see which energy sources were eco friendly. – Maidah






We walked across the peat bog and had to jump over a ditch.  One person nearly fell in! We learned about peat and that the bog  is 80% water.  The peat felt like a wet sponge and when we jumped, the ground shook. – Aibak.


On Thursday, we had to decide how we could make our own wind turbines out of kitchen roll holders, card rectangles, straws and pins.  It was really hard and Miss McCue set a challenge that the first person to create a turbine and get it to spin would get 10 Dojo points.  Arhum was the first to get his wind turbine to spin.  It was so much fun. #windenergy #windturbines


One thought on “Outdoor Learning Week

  1. Hi guys it’s ZARAH 🙈🙈🙈
    I loved make no wind turbines with my class because we were recycling card board tubes from toilet paper!🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄I love ❤️ unicorn

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