Halloween Week

This week was a very busy week.

On Monday, a guest called Jen came in from Live ‘n’ Learn and taught us about growth mindset.  She told us how to work in groups properly and we put together jigsaws. – Mimi.

Tuesday was Halloween and we all dressed up and had a parade in the hall.  After this, we had a party in the class with juice, crisps and chocolate. It was so much fun! – Eshaal  #SPOOKY

We had music on Wednesday morning with Mrs Pattie.  We were using coloured notes to create a melody to go along with our rhythm and lyrics of our hunger song.  – Aibak  #CREATIVEMUSIC

For PE, we have started football.  We learned different passes which were similar to the ones we learned in basketball.  It was really fun and I’m looking forward to playing an actual game of football. – Hafsa  #PATCHRONALDO

On Wednesday afternoon, we created a bar graph to display the results of our survey on how much food children in the upper classes waste at dinner time.  We found that our class had the most food waste but we think that the other classes weren’t being truthful. – Manahil.  #STOPWASTINGFOOD

Fareed created a powerpoint on stocks and money and presented it to the rest of the class on Thursday morning.  He explained why you should invest some of your money in companies so that you make a profit.  I enjoyed when Fareed was explaining the colours on a line graph and that you wouldn’t want to be in red because that means that you’re losing money and not making money. – Zarah.  #FAREEDTHEBUSINESSMAN

On Thursday afternoon, we learned how to use the Numbers App and made our own bar graphs on the iPads.  It is really cool because you can turn the graphs into 3D. – Maha.

We had a circle time to speak about the importance of including people.  I liked having the time for us all to sit and chat and want more circle times. – Dilya.

We went to the outdoor classroom to read our Harry Potter book.  It was nice because we got fresh air and it was peaceful. – Fareed.  #CHILLING


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