
On Monday, Mr Kennedy and Miss Piolie came to teach us how to code.  They are computing teachers from Holyrood.

We learned new vocabulary:

An algorithm  is a set of instructions.
Debugging is when you fix an error in a programme.

Coding is giving directions or instructions to a person or computer programme for them to move.  We gave instructions to angrybirds to get to the pig.  It was fun and we learned lots. #CODING   #UNLOCKINGCODES    #GAMERS4LIFE


We were teaching Primary 1 how to create animations using the Stop Motion app on the iPad.

Primary 1 had created scenes of the story of the Three Billy Goats Gruff and made the characters using clay.

We got into groups of mixed P1s  and P6s. 

First we used the stop motion app to take pictures of the story.  After, we had taken pictures of the storyline, we added audio of the different parts of the text.  We showed the Primary 1s how to add features such as pausing and using a frame.

Hafsa and Muhammad went to the Digital Showcase and presented about what we do for digital learning in our school!  Everyone was so impressed by how knowledgeable they were. 


  1. It was fun doing the coding I really liked it!🙌🏼Oh and helping the p1s was also really fun!!!😝😆✌🏼

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