Happy New Year!!

2018 has started off busy for us!

This term, we are reading Divided City as our class novel.  It is about the divide in Glasgow which is caused by the rivalry between Celtic and Rangers.  


Our focus for PE this term is cricket.  Some P7’s helped us set up stations to practise our throwing, batting and catching.  It’s tricky for some of us just now but we will be pros by Easter.  Watch this space …

We had our last Debate League session on Friday.  It was fun because we were teaching P6/7 what we had learned about debating because they are going to take part in The Debate League this term.  Sana and Fareed made us all laugh so much when they were debating. #FAMILY #DEBATING #OPPOSITION #PROPOSITION

2 thoughts on “Happy New Year!!

  1. I really enjoy reading Divided City and I really enjoyed play with the snow because we had snow ball fights and it was just great #💕💗💜💙

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