Monthly Archives: January 2018


       We began our Learning Journey folders and had fun drawing ourselves and reflecting on Term 1 and Term 2.

Saad’s drawing of himself looked soooo much like him. HAHA!!

 On Thursday, it was Robert Burn’s birthday and so we celebrated by learning Scots Dialect.

“Miss, a swear a wisnae talkin!”

Fizziwig Theatre came in and performed a play for us called, ‘Wee Sleekit Cowrin Timrous Beastie.’ 

Robert Burns confessed his love to Miss Kinloch when he was writing his poem, A Red Red Rose.

Eshaal – “The play was about Robert Burns and he fell in love with Jean Armour.  Robert lived on a farm with his brother Gilbert and they were very poor.  Gilbert didn’t think that Robert’s poems were good but, in the end, Robert Burns became famous when his poems were published.”

Hafsa – “I liked how Robert Burns sang his songs and read his poems.”

Zarah – “I loved Gilbert because he was so silly and he acts responsible but is actually really irresponsible.”

Fareed – “A burst of laughter!”

Laiba – “The mouse was so funny because he kept stealing Robert Burns’ poems and food.”

Mimi- “I liked it when all the actors started singing together.  I felt different emotions during it.”

Zeenat – “I loved when Jean sang because her voice is amazing. “

Aibak – “I hated when Jean’s dad threatened Robert by saying that he would cut his limbs off if he goes out with Jean.”



Meilyr Jones, a Welsh singer, pianist and songwriter came and sang for us.  It was such a nice treat.  He is so amazing!!

Miss McCue made us haggis – Halal of course.  We had it with tatties and peppercorn sauce.  The peppercorn sauce was amazing!!!! Some people didn’t like the haggis but others loved it.  We gave some down to Musa in P6/7 because we know he loves it. #SCOTTISHEXPERIENCE


We have had snow all week.  It’s been so much fun out playing in the snow.  We built a snowman and made lots of shapes in the snow.




Our topic this term is migration.  We worked in pairs to research migration from Pakistan to Scotland and made a fact file.  Did you know that the UK is home to the largest Pakistani community in Europe, with the population of British Pakistanis exceeding 1.17 million.


In maths, we have started learning about negative numbers.  It’s really hard!
We have also been learning fractions and decimals in maths.  This term is going to be soooooo hard for maths.


We practised skills in PE that will help us play cricket.  We’ve definitely got better at the activities and are still learning new skills.  We had so much fun taking part in all the different stations. 

Zain is amazing at everything to do with cricket.  Watch out Shahid Afridi.

We have read more of our novel, Divided City.  It is so interesting and has been quite funny.  We have also learned about the Irish Potato Famine which was between 1845 and 1849 and over one million Irish people died because the potatoes were infected by ‘the Blight’.



Happy New Year!!

2018 has started off busy for us!

This term, we are reading Divided City as our class novel.  It is about the divide in Glasgow which is caused by the rivalry between Celtic and Rangers.  


Our focus for PE this term is cricket.  Some P7’s helped us set up stations to practise our throwing, batting and catching.  It’s tricky for some of us just now but we will be pros by Easter.  Watch this space …

We had our last Debate League session on Friday.  It was fun because we were teaching P6/7 what we had learned about debating because they are going to take part in The Debate League this term.  Sana and Fareed made us all laugh so much when they were debating. #FAMILY #DEBATING #OPPOSITION #PROPOSITION